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Fukushi Recreation... TR in Japan

by Hiro Chino, MWU, Nishinomiya, JAPAN, Email:

Mr. Hiro Chino In the U.S., it's called therapeutic recreation. In Japan, we say fukushi Recreation. Although both terms are quite dissimilar, concepts between fukushi and therapeutic recreations may be quite similar.

"Fukushi" means welfare. So, fukushi recreation means recreation as a process carried out in social welfare settings, i.e., nursing homes, senior citizen's centers, mental health hospitals, rehabilitation centers, etc.

In 1987, Japanese government had started to issue a national license of care workers working for secondary care of various disabled people and older people. They need to study a variety of subjects such as social welfare, psychology, medical care, disabilities, senility, as well as recreation and its services. They learn a basic concept of recreation, leisure, and play, a brief history of recreation movement, and TR. This movement has facilitated a development of fukushi recreation.

Most fukushi recreation workers (a licensed by the National Recreation Association of Japan, like NRPA in the U.S.) works for older people in nursing homes which have been increased in its number throughout Japan. They are trained to demonstrate the ability to apply theories of group dynamics through group activities such as sports, games, songs, and dance.

In Japan, the First Fukushi Recreation Forum will be held at Yokohama Rapport near Shin-Yokohama (first stop from Tokyo on Tokaido Bullet-train) from September 20 through 22, 1997. It may be said that this meeting is a beginning of Fukushi Recreation and TR movement in Japan. There will be research symposium, exhibition, and on-site institutes. Participants will discuss effects of TR programs, assessment tools useful for TR, and various cases in TR.

Although there is a comprehensive team for each client in medical settings, nursing homes, and rehabilitation settings, none of fukushi recreation workers are included so far. Since many recreation workers (most are volunteers) have just started client-centered programs, some kind of results in TR may appear soon.

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