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National Recreation Association magazine "Recreation"

Hospital Capsules (Beatrice H. Hill '55-'62)


Watch for this in every issue from now on! Mrs. Beatrice Hill, consultant on hospital recreation for the National Recreation Association has undertaken to provide our readers with newsy highlights of doings in this phase of the recreation field. She writes:

I would like, for instance, to inform our readers about: a research project, which is currently in progress at a hospital in New Jersey, co-sponsored by the National Recreation Association and the School of Education at New York University; a movie being made in May called, Rx Recreation for the Ill and Handicapped; plans for this year’s Hospital Section of the National Recreation Association Congress; and the Hospital Recreation Institute which was sponsored in April by the University of North Carolina.

During the last year, a council has been formed which should be of significance to every hospital recreation worker--The Council for the Advancement of Hospital Recreation. It consists of two appointed representatives from each of the three professional organizations concerned with recreation in hospitals, and two representatives from the National Recreation Association. The council’s fourth meeting will be held in Washington in June, and Mr. Martin Meyers, chairman, will write a condensed report on what has been accomplished at these meetings.

Also, I have some interesting items about new college and university classes in hospital recreation.

It is my hope that Hospital Capsules will function with a dual purpose--providing an exchange for brief news items, and a stimulant for hospital recreation people to contribute more articles and pictures for Recreation magazine.

I earnestly urge those readers in this exciting, new area of recreation, which embraces hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes, and all other facilities housing the ill and handicapped, to share any information or news that may have interest for all of us who are working with the mentally and physically ill and in allied areas. The success of Hospital Capsules as a monthly feature will depend upon contributions from our readers.



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