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National Recreation Association magazine "Recreation"

Hospital Capsules by Beatrice H. Hill

1957, Volume 50; page 29
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Beatrice H. Hill (Mrs. Hill is the NRA consultant on hospital recreation.)

Final plans for the study of recreation in hospitals—being made by the National Recreation Association in conjunction with the Council for the Advancement of Hospital Recreation — were discussed at a meeting in Philadelphia in October.
Present were : Dr. Martin Meyer, Division of Mental Health, Indianapolis; Dr. John Silson, medical research expert, New York City; Madolin E. Cannon and Lillian Summers, American National Red Cross, Washington, D.C. ; William Lawler, National Association of Recreation Therapists; R. C. Boyd,

American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; Dr. Gerald Fitzgerald, University of Minnesota; Dr. Edith Ball, New York University; Russell Dean, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C, Alfred Jensen and Beatrice H. Hill, National Recreation Association, New York City; Dr. Harold Meyer, University of North Carolina;

Percy Clapp, Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C; Dr. John Hineman, American Medical Association, Chicago; Dr. Maximilian Menkes, American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.
At the meeting it was brought out that the American Psychiatric Association, American Hospital Association, and the American Medical Association Council on Professional Practices are interested in the study and will cooperate.
It was decided to conduct the study somewhat differently than previously planned:

1. A very brief questionnaire to go to every administrator of every hospital in this country to establish exactly where hospital recreation exists.

2. Upon return of these, to pick two hundred of what appear to be the most extensive programs and to send out a detailed questionnaire to the administrators at these hospitals. This questionnaire to be designed to evaluate the place of recreation in a hospital setting. A summary of this part of the study is to be sent to the American Medical Association and American Hospital Association for their advice on criteria.

3. To send a detailed questionnaire to every recreation professional working in hospitals to determine education and experience backgrounds, job responsibilities and any other facts which will help decide who is responsible for hospital recreation today and what is being done.

4. To send a questionnaire to colleges giving graduate and undergraduate curricula in hospital recreation concerning curricula subject matter.



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