(Sample- name & content are fictional)
NAME: John Doe Hospital #: AGE: 21 CHILDREN: None SEX: Male EMPLOYMENT: Sub Shop MARITAL STATUS: Single HOMETOWN: Johnsburg REASON FOR REFERRAL: To assess leisure interests and to explore alternative activities to alcohol misuse. MEDICATION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RECREATION PARTICIPATION: Haldol and Tegretol- pt should be warned against participation in activities that require alertness and good psychomotor coordination until CNS response to drug is determined. ASSESSMENTS Assessments used to determine Johns leisure interests, leisure functioning level, and leisure participation levels included: Perceived Freedom in Leisure Scale, Short Version Barriers to Leisure Involvement Scale Leisure Interest Survey Interview LEISURE INTERESTS Soccer, driving around in a car, softball, basketball ("just shooting around with friends"), billiards, beer pong (drinking game), listening to music, dancing, attend sporting events, take things apart (e.g., electronics "when in the mood"), writing, passing a football, cooking, telling jokes. John has a high degree of interest in passive-oriented activities such as watching sporting events on TV, listening to music, and daydreaming/thinking. He also prefers social activities such as going to parties, doing activities with friends and belonging to groups such as his fraternity. Some of his preferred interests are associated with drinking. For example, after playing basketball, he and his friends would drink beer. Shooting pool, drinking games and dancing are associated with his drinking. LEISURE PURSUITS PRIOR TO ADMISSION John has noted that drinking has consumed much of his free-time. On work days, he goes to work at 11am to 4 or 9pm. Returns from work feeling tired but having the urge to socialize and drink beer. He notes that he rarely drinks alone. On non-work days, he wants to do something productive and usually ends up drinking beer. He noted that getting away in his car helped. This usually kept him from drinking (although patient did note that he lost his drivers license due to DUI). Most non-work days, friends usually stop by with a case of beer or he goes to their residences with beer. GENERAL APPEARANCE John was dressed casually and was neat. Affect bright. Engaging pleasantly with CTRS during interview. PHYSICAL DISABILITIES None indicated by patient FUNDING LEVEL Patient has been employed in a local sub shop and reports that when he leaves the hospital his job is waiting for him. He endorses (from Barriers to Leisure Involvement Scale) that money, or the lack of it, is not a barrier to his leisure involvement. MOTIVATION LEVEL Patient has indicated throughout the interview his need to stop drinking because "my medicine and beer dont mix well together." He expressed, however, that he didnt think drinking was a real problem and that he wouldnt want to go to AA meetings if someone suggests he go. John was insightful in regards to the effect his drinking had on his leisure involvement and how he stopped doing many of his preferred activities. John views himself as generally being independent in his pursuit of leisure activities. He sees himself as being competent in many leisure activities and often gets excited with doing activities. He notes that his self-esteem is "OK" and has improved since graduation from high school and from being in a fraternity in college. His drinking activities, however, has curtailed his leisure involvement. When asked what motivates him to play basketball (his favorite activity), John noted "the good feeling from playing, exercise, and knowing that I did my best." When asked what motivates him to drink beer, he said, "I dont know... I just drink." SOCIALIZATION LEVEL John prefers the company of others. He sees himself as a "class clown" and enjoys telling jokes and "ragging on others." During this interview, he displayed to ability to be quite an engaging conversationalist. He noted that he just recently broke up with a girl and was despondent for a while but has gotten over that. He wanted to meet girls and believed that the only place he could meet a girl was at a bar. Other than a bar, he was not able to name a single location or event in which he could meet girls. GOALS Personal goals suggested by John included coaching a youth basketball team sometime in the future, using the city bus line not just to go to work but to go to recreation events and to find a girl to be with.