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Hospital Capsules in Recreation


1955, Volume 48, page 221 Introduction of Hospital Capsules by Beatrice Hill

1955, Volume 48, page 291 Summary of the Second Southern Regional Conference on Hospital Recreation, held at the University of North Carolina

1955, Volume 48, page 350 Report by Martin W. Meyer presents the purposes of a new organization... The Council for the Advancement of Hospital Recreation.

1995, Volume 48, page 380 So Much For So Little produced by the Hospital Recreation Consultant Service and Robert Wald. Two-week summer session workshop, July 18-29, entitled “Survey of Recreation in Rehabilitation” at Springfield College.

1955, Volume 48, page 438 Goldwater’s Wheel Chair Olympics held at Welfare Island, NY

1955, Volume 48, page 493 Description of the 37th National Recreation Congress (Hospital Section sessions) in Denver.

1956, Volume 49, page 23 Miscellaneous info for Hospital Recreation Workers

1956, Volume 49, page 93 New Years Resolutions by Beatrice Hill; info on institute for the northeastern area concerning “Recreation for Senior Citizens in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Institutions”

1956, Volume 49, page 140 Three hundred and ten persons, from nine Northeastern states attended the 2nd Hospital Recreation Institute for the Aged, Ill and Handicapped, co-sponsored by the National Recreation Association and New York University, January 18-20, 1956.

1956, Volume 49; page 237 Riverside Hospital on North Brother Island, New York City, is a hospital for adolescent narcotic users who range from fourteen to twenty-one years of age. Although most of the 128 patients are boys, similar treatment is given to both sexes. Its patients come from different types of agencies, the courts, and through the recommendations of parents.

1956, Volume 49; page 308 This is a brief report of a research project, conducted from December 1954 to July 1955, on the effect of recreation on 139 chronically ill patients in Bergen Pines Hospital, Paramus, New Jersey.

1956, Volume 49; page 451 Pennsylvania has created 277 jobs for recreation personnel in its state mental hospitals. How did this come about?

1956, Volume 49; page 358 Last May, Dr. Martin W. Meyer, coordinator of activities therapies for the State of Indiana, and I conferred in Chicago with Dr. Sarah Hardwicke of the American Hospital Association and Dr. John Hineman of the American Medical Association.

October 1956, Volume 49, page 403 I have been able to obtain a list of only twenty-eight states providing recreation services for the homebound. Personally, I hope the very near future will see community recreation leaders and philanthropic organizations starting very active centers for the ill and handicapped.

1956, Volume 49; page 500, This year saw the largest attendance ever at the NRA Congress section on "Recreation for the Ill and Handicapped" -- over four hundred at the different meetings.

1957, Volume 50; page 29 Final plans for the study of recreation in hospitals—being made by the National Recreation Association in conjunction with the Council for the Advancement of Hospital Recreation — were discussed at a meeting in Philadelphia in October.

1957, Volume 50; page 109 The Westchester County Recreation Commission, New York, and the National Recreation Association co-sponsored a one-day institute in White Plains, on February 5, on "Recreation for the Aged, Ill and Handicapped" (primarily those in nursing homes).

1957, Volume 50; page 225 The NRA Hospital Recreation Consultant Service has been working very closely with two new projects. One involves the Williamsport (Pennsylvania) Recreation Commission, which is trying to solve a problem for the Williamsport Technical Institute.

1957, Volume 50; page 382-383 A very successful Congress, co-sponsored by four organizations and the National Recreation Association, was held this year. The sessions pertaining to recreation for the ill and handicapped were numerous and well attended, with attendance ranging from fifty-five to two hundred and fifty-five at each session.


1958, Volume 51; page 61 As we become aware of the ever-increasing potential of recreation activities in the medical and psychiatric setting, we have a growing concern regarding how they are used.

1958, Volume 51; page 142 One of the highlights of the Third Annual Institute on Recreation for the Ill and Handicapped, sponsored by the New York University School of Education and the National Recreation Association, was the session on "Recreation for the Convalescent Mentally Ill Outpatient." It is becoming apparent to many psychiatrists across the nation that it is necessary to teach patients who have been emotionally ill how to use their free time in a leisurely rather than compulsive manner.

1958, Volume 51; page 260 Congress sessions on the ill and handicapped start with "Recreation—A Positive Force in Preventive Medicine"; and continue with the following program : "How to Use Recreation Activities as a Therapeutic Tool"; ....

1958, Volume 51; page 291 Did you know that, out of the sixty-eight hundred hospitals in the United States, two thousand have organized recreation programs (these represent approximately 75 per cent of the hospital beds in the country) ; the average salary for recreation supervisors on the hospital level is approximately $4600 ...


1958, Volume 51; page 330 We have asked the chairmen of the sessions on recreation for the ill and handicapped at the 40th National Recreation Congress, in Atlantic City, September 22-26, to give us a "capsule" report of each; some of these follow.


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