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National Recreation Association in Japan
compiled by Charles C. Dixon, MS, CTRS

Leadership Training

A variety of recreation leadership training courses conducted by NRAJ are available to the public. Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced courses are offered for the training of recreation leaders.

Two new leadership courses were introduced in 1991 which train people to encourage others in making greater use of their leisure time. The first course trains people over a year period to work as Leisure-Life Promoters. The second course, lasting for six months, qualifies people as Leisure-Life Advisors. Graduates of these courses are suitably trained to organize and conduct a wide range of leisure activities which contribute towards improving, people's lifestyle and well-being. These courses have attracted widespread public attention and in July 1991, 274 Leisure-Life Promoters and 203 Leisure-Life Advisors were the first to graduate.

NRAJ's 'RECREATION' Public Relations and Publications

NRAJ produces a wide range of publications, including a book series on numerous sporting and recreation activities. "Recreation" is the official monthly publication of the NRAJ.

Shown to the right is a special publications titled Recreation Activities for Individuals with Physical Disabilities.


International Relations

i) World Leisure and Recreation Association

NRAJ maintains regular contact with the World Leisure and Recreation Association (WLRA) and other associated recreation organizations throughout the world. In 1964, the successful World Recreation Congress was held in Kyoto and Osaka, and brought together 244 guests from 23 countries and 400 Japanese delegates. On three occasions, Japan has played host to the Asian Recreation Conference.

ii) National Recreation and Parks Association (USA)

In 1991 the National Recreation Association of Japan in conjunction with the National Parks and Recreation Association (N.R.P.A.) from America conferred and established an international protocol for professional, technical, and citizen exchange in the area of parks, recreation and leisure.

National Recreation Congress

Since 1947 the Association annually hosts the National Recreation Congress (N.R.C.). This nation-wide gathering of recreation professionals has seen a steady increase in delegates, with more than 5000 people attending the 46th Congress held in Sendai City in 1992. The focus of the Congress features special lectures, symposiums, discussions, and section meetings. A wide range of activities are also held including: calisthenics, folk dancing, cycling, hiking, camping, orienteering, a walk rally, low organized sports, Indica game, jogging, jazz dancing, rope skipping, skin diving, & wind surfing.

National Sports and Recreation Festival

The first National Sports and Recreation Festival was held in 1988 in an effort to encourage everyday participation in sport and recreation activities. The festival seeks to emphasize not only competitive sports but participation in lifelong sporting and recreation activities that all can enjoy. As Japanese society is changing with an aging population and increasing leisure time, participation in lifelong sport and recreation activities plays an important role in improving people's health and quality of life.

adapted table tennis in Japan
photo from NRAJ Rec #452

Nationwide Walk Rally Meets

In 1984 the National Recreation Association of Japan conducted the first "Walk Rally Day." This popular event is now held annually on the 3rd Sunday of May and provides enjoyment to a wide range of people from all generations. In 1992, Nationwide Walk-Rally Meets were held at 215 locations throughout Japan, covering 670 courses and attracting a total participation of 121,611 people. Owing to its widespread success throughout Japan and its positive contribution to society, the event has gained significant support and sponsorship from the Ministry of Education, and several newspapers and publishing companies.

Tokyo International Walk Rally

The Tokyo International Walk Rally provides a unique opportunity for both Japanese and foreign residents to meet and take part in a fun activity to promote international exchange and goodwill among all countries.

Fukushi Recreation

NRAJ is spear-heading the Fukushi Recreation movement in Japan. The NRAJ office is keenly interested in the provision of recreation services for older and disabled Japanese citizens.

NRAJ Office Location

nraj map

Suidobashi, Nishiguchi Kaikan
20-7 Misaki-cho 2 chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 Japan
Tel: (03)3265-1369
NRAJ office is just several buildings off the Suidobashi Station on the JR lines.

Suidobashi is three stations away from Tokyo station.



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