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Yokohama Rapport: Sports & Cultural Center for the Disabled

compiled by Charles C. Dixon, MS, CTRS

In late April of 1998, I attended a Fukushi Recreation Forum at the Yokohama Rapport located in Shin-Yokohama, Japan. While at the Center, I observed wheelchair basketball, adapted swimming, bowling, archery, a boy scout meeting, and adapted baseball for the blind.

The Rapport was initially developed to provide services for disabled individuals. It nows provides recreation opportunities for all individuals.

following text is from the Introduction to the Yokohama Rapport Center's brochure...

poolYokohama Rapport seeks to promote improved health and social participation among disabled persons through involvement in sports, recreation and cultural activities; and, as the disabled take the initiative to participate, to build on this participation by actively fostering interaction with other citizens, and to extend such interaction widely in its role as the core facility in this area of the city.

Yokohama Rapport is fundamentally concerned with carrying out the following kinds of roles. In doing so, it will coordinate closely with other facilities and organizations, and take advantage of all available social resources.

1. A role as core facility for the promotion of sports and recreation among the disabled;

2. A role as core facility for rehabilitative sports;

3. A role as a center for health enhancement;

4. A role as core facility for cultural and informational activity by disabled persons;

5. A role as a center for promoting mutual interaction between the disabled and other citizens;

6. A supporting role for activities by disabled persons seeking to become involved in society.

theaterThe "rapport" in Yokohama Rapport comes from the French language meaning "harmony of spirit." Refitting its name, Yokohama Rapport will seek to widen the circle of interaction between the disabled and other citizens through implementation of programs focusing on the disabled and to become a center for the promotion of normalization. We would consider ourselves extremely fortunate if the facility could contribute in this way.

bowling alley at the Rapport

Yamakawa-san, Sports Instructor demonstrates equipment to enable runners who are blind to run track independently

Disabled & non-disabled
swimming together


The Yokohama Rapport is located at 1752 Toriyama-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 222. Phone 045-475-2001.


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