A forum for professional networking for church recreation ministers, camp directors, other practitioners, students, and educators in the field of recreation and leisure services in Christian settings. Discussion of practical, as well as philosophical matters including activity idea sharing, resource sharing, positions available, internship opportunities, etc. E-mail LISTPROC@baylor.edu. The body of the message should read: SUBSCRIBE ChRec-L [Your Name].
Child Life Listserv
The Child Life Council
now offers a new resource for its members in the form of the
CLCforum listserve. It's a great way for child life professionals
to easily communicate daily with others, to share ideas, get
help in solving problems, and learn how things are done in other
CL programs. Listserve subscribers also receive CLC job bank
listings twice a month. To subscribe, or to join the Child Life
Council (it's a members-only service), visit the CLC website
at www.childlife.org
The Florida Therapeutic Recreation Network (FLTRNET) is a new
email group designed to promote and support Therapeutic Recreation
Services within our state. This is achieved through the submission
of information (CEU opportunities, job openings, professional
issues) by TR professionals and students to this email address
(fltrnet@yahoo.com). Once information is submitted it will be
scanned for content by the network administrator, spam is weeded
out, then the information is forwarded to all those whom have
subscribed. Addresses are not be shared with outside groups and
only information sent pertinent to our profession will be sent.
In the future we hope to sponsor workshops and provide educational
opportuities but first we must open up the lines of communication!
LIN's mailing list for leisure professionals to share their expertise and keep abreast of what is new in the field.
LINKEDIN has a TR Group. go to http://www.linkedin.com/ to join.
Talk World-wide Internet communities for physical & movement education, recreation, dance, APA (adapted physical activities) and APE (adapted physical education) professionals
Send an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.OKSTATE.EDU then in the first line of the message type SUBSCRIBE RECREATIONALTHERAPYNET
A couple of things to remember:
• there should be nothing in the Subject Line
• there should be no signature (remove the signature for the purposes of subscribing),
• there should be no quotation marks or brackets anywhere in the listserv email address nor the command in the first line of the message.
to SPRENET! --
Society of Park & Recreation Educators
Send a message to: listserv@listserv.uga.edu
In the message area write: subscribe sprenet Firstname Lastname
Recreation Listserv

Click to subscribe to therarec
"This is a listserv for people
who are Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS)
or who are affiliated with Therapeutic Recreation(TR) programs.
It is a place to share ideas, support each other and announce
important events."
Study Group
An avenue for students and specialists
of therapeutic recreation to share ideas and opinions about
the application of tr in clinical or community settings. Click
here for further information: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TRstud
Post message: TRstud@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: TRstud-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: TRstud-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
List owner: TRstud-owner@yahoogroups.com