Celebrity Shadows
Submitted by Frieda Jones of SENIOR CARE UNIT on 7-16-2014
Size of Group: any
Equipment/Supplies Needed: Pictures of Celebrity Shadows or Silohettes
Activity/Treatment Objective or Expected Outcome: Memory Workout,Reminisce Game, Increasing Socialization
Description of the Activity: Using internet found celebrity Silhouettes or Shadows --- printed and drawn, colored in on Separate paper to enlarge--(I used poster board paper-last longer) Celebrities such as Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Alfalfa, Dolly Parton, Shirley Temple,etc.,any that are easily recognized by their shadow.. I also put facts on back of paper about each. Have residents to guess, discuss things they recall about each, giving facts as discussing. This activity is little time consuming getting prepared, worth results, can use time and again, my people love it....