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Activity & Tx Ideas


Here's some ideas and recipes that may be helpful in your TR program. Send your ideas in.
  Waffle Lunch
submitted Denise Reed of Kahl Home on September 5, 2000 

Size: any size (have served up to 80 at a time)

Equipment: waffle irons waffle mix toppings i.e. warm syrup, butter, fruit

Objective: create a more social environment at meal time assist with increasing appetites
my residents love this activity/assist from dietary department needed.

Description: Set up waffle buffet in dining rooms. Cook waffles as the residents are being served, this way the smell increases their appetites. We have done this activity in our main dining area with our highest functioning residents and in each of our floor dining areas where we have a range of abilities. In each dining area there was an increase in intake as well as socialization. Residents and staff alike love this activity. Suggested meal is lunch because there is more assist available and more time to prepare an eye appealing table.


Activities & Tx pages sponsored by compuTR and maintained by Charles Dixon
If reprinting ideas from these pages, please give credit.


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