Batting Practice
Submitted by Cathi Ertl on February 11, 2004
Size: 5 or more
Equipment: Balloon or Punch Ball, Lg. inflatable bats or swimming
noodles cut into thirds, baseball hats
Objective: hand/eye coordination, social, and upper body strength/movement
Description: Gather group into circle,
pass out hats and bats. Have everyone sing ""Take Me Out To The Ball Game"" I
spend the first part individually pitching the balloon to each
person w/3 pitches. After the ""7th Inning Stretch"" I
just let them bat the balloon around to each other. Have fun
with it! I usually add comments like ""swing badda
badda swing"" This works well with a variety of functioning
levels. I use it with Alzheimer/Dementia and even the residents
w/lower functioning levels accomplish it.