Wheelchair art- mural painting
Submitted by Dwayne Szot of Zot Artz
Size of Group: 5-100
Equipment/Supplies Needed: Zot Artz univerally designed art tools and supplies. Paint
Activity/Treatment Objective or Expected Outcome: Create a large mural painting
Description of the Activity: Individuals create their own prints which attach to the art rollers, apply the paint, and make their mark creating large mural paintings. For individuals of all ages and abilities.
Ziplock Painting
Submitted by Emily MacPherson of FJ Davey Home Long Term Care Facility
Size of Group: Small Group (1-3)
Equipment/Supplies Needed: Large ziplock freezer bags Paints Green Tape
Activity/Treatment Objective or Expected Outcome: Sensory Stimulation Expressive Art Enjoyment/Pleasure/Contentment
Description of the Activity: 1) With the large ziplock freezer bag, drop different colors of paint (I use 3, usually red, yellow and blue)
2) Seal large freezer bag
3) Tape ziplock bag on table (use green tape, more visual)
After completing those steps, have individual play with the paint and mix them together. It is visually stimulating and mess free!
Crayon "Stained Glass"
submitted by Becky of NHS Human Services on September 22, 2009
Size of Group: medium
Equipment: wax paper, crayons, pencil sharpener, iron, black construction paper
Objective: fine motor skills
Description: Sharpen different colored crayons, making sure to separate the different colored shavings. Put the shavings in between 2 pieces of wax paper (putting like colors together, so they don't just all blend in with one another) Iron the top wax paper. It should melt the crayon shavings. Cut out a design in the middle of a black piece of construction paper. Do the same design on another piece of construction paper. Put the wax paper with the melted crayon shavings in between the 2 pieces of construction paper. Looks great in a window!
Salt Art
submitted by Felicia Rodriguez, CTRS of The Children's Center for Neurodevelopmental Studies on April 27, 2009
Size of Group: 5-10
Equipment: Salt, colored chalk, glue, printouts of whatever the theme is.
Objective: An art project that is tactile and visually stimulating and utilizes fine motor skills.
Description: Beforehand, use different colored chalks to color salt by rubbing the chalk into the salt. Put each color in a separate bowl with a spoon. Obtain a printout of whatever picture you want. It can be a large flower for a horticulture group or an animal for animal week. Have participants apply glue to their picture one section at a time. The participants then get some colored salt on the spoon and sprinkle it on the glue. They can also use their fingers to pinch some salt and sprinkle it. They do this to each section until the picture is finished.
Rock Painting
submitted by aimee gardiner of kamloops seniors village on March 13, 2008
Size of Group: unlimited if you have helpers
Equipment: various color paint, brush, small to medium sized rocks
Objective: Relaxation, Increased Attention Span
Description: Encourage participants to paint anything and everything that comes to mind on rocks. It took a little time to get everyone going but once they were it was a blast and almost everyone got involved.
submitted by Marty Pants of caring clown volunteer
on July 25, 2005
Size: 15 residents
Equipment: crayons from the dollar store 8 crayons in a box,
and a flower or any other BIG figure printed in paper, which
you can find for free in any internet site.
Objective: They love coloring "with a purpose",
they share ideas and even sometimes crayons.
They will stay busy for at least 45 minutes and love to play
with colors....
Description: I give each resident a box of crayons and a paper.
Then I ask them to color the paper so I can take them to the
Oncology ward in local hospital.
Mandala Coloring Therapy
Submitted by Shannon McGill on March 24, 2003
Size: Any size, any age
Equipment: Printer or digital graphics program like Paint
Shop. For printed copy you'll want coloring gear like felt
markers, watercolor paints, pencil crayons, glue and sparkles
etc. Good posture is highly recommended while coloring, find
a coloring location/posture that supports this.
Objective: Many people find meditation incredibly hard to
get into, even though the benefits are well documented. With
Coloring Therapy, a state of meditative awareness is easily
attained, because the focus needed to gain observation of our
inner dialogue occurs in the coloring. - ColoringTherapy.org
Description: This is an additional resource related to Mandala
coloring therapy, with a free printable dolphin Mandala and
many original hand drafted Mandala in coloring sets 1 and 2.
The Mandala artist has written some very informative articles
to support the concepts behind coloring therapy.
For more info go to http://www.coloringtherapy.com/
Inspirational Hands
Submitted by Amanda Rhodes of Bay View Behavioral Health on
March 23, 2003
Size: any size
Equipment: finger paint, large white paper, markers, copies
of inspirational quotes
Objective: To have patients boost each other's self esteem.
To work as group.
Description: Using the finger paint, have patient's make a
print of each hand on the white paper. On one hand, have them
write 5 positive things about them self (one for each finger),
on the other hand, have the group help fill in the last 5 fingers
with a positive about another group member. Finally, hand out
the inspirational quotes and let them choose one to write on
the top or bottom of the paper, or help them create their own.
Here's an easy painting project
that can be completed by a variety of population groups....
Pour acrylics on a sheet of white
paper. Take a waded up newspaper as a "brush." Twist
and turn and wave the newspaper over the paint. Pick up the
newspaper and dab at the paint. Add more colors if you wish.
Fold the "canvas" paper in half and open it back up.
Use the canvas paper to make prints on a clean sheet of paper.
Let your ideas go wild. Frame the "modern" art and
display the client's work in the "modern art gallery."
a large sheet of paper or sheet on the floor. Pour or splatter
paint on the "canvas." Invite patients using wheelchairs
to run their wheelchairs all over the "canvas." Be
sure to have water and towels to clean up the wheelchairs. Hang
the painting on the wall for all to see. Don't forget to have
everyone who participated to sign their work of art.
Give each participant a straw and
a sheet of paper. Pour splotches of water colors on the paper.
Invite participants to blow air through the straw aiming a the
beads of water colors. Blow at the water colors in angles, blow
at it from straight
you need: Snow, paper plates, water colors, brushes
Pack snow onto paper plates and
invite patients to paint the packed snow with water colors.
The paint bleeds into the snow giving it a "neat"
Provide participants with different
types of sponge.... even sponges cut out in shapes of animals
and flowers and other shapes. Soft sponges work great. Dab the
sponge into the paint and use the sponge as a "brush."
Sponges permit participants that have difficulty holding brushes
an opportunity to paint.
on a dramatic piece of music. Turn off the lights and instruct
the participants to close their eyes and listen. Stop the music
when you feel appropriate. Encourage participants to cover the
paper with colors which reflects the mood of the music.
Repeat with another piece of music.
Alternatively, play the music while participants are painting.
Submitted by Jen Cueto
Size of Group: 4-6
Equipment: Water based paint,
sponges and/or paint brushes, clear acetate plastic sheets,
already cut out stencils of whatever them you like, fall (leaves),
winter (snow flakes, Christmas card theme), etc.
Trace outlines of leaves, etc on
the clear acetate and cut them out using a exacto knife.
Outline the shapes with black marker, so it's easier to see
for those with limited vision.
Objective: Increased self
esteem and accomplishment, especially for those that don't think
they are any good at painting.
Description: Drop different
colors of paint on a plate, and encourage clients to use a sponge
to dab into paint and onto stencil. It doesn't matter is you
go out of the lines. After the client puts paint onto the acetate
stencil, place the stencil paint down onto a sheet of paper,
envelope, greeting card, cloth, etc. When finished, take off
the acetate and voila, a stencil painting.
I used this activity on medium
to low functioning clients with Dementia.
submitted by Cynthia Davis of
Professional Counseling Center
Size: 4-10
Equipment: Shoe box lids,
water based paint, marbles, construction paper, tape
Objective: Hand control,
eye, hand coordination.
Description: Tape construction
paper to inside of shoe box lid. Drop beads of paint in various
spots on the paper. Place a marble inside the box and encourage
clients to roll marble through the paint by tilting the box.
Clients will be thrilled at the graphic designs they create!
Remove from box and add to art gallery.
Line Painting
to Show Emotion
submitted by Jen
Size: 2+
Equipment: List of or drawings
of faces depicting various emotions, have enough for each participant.
Crayons(wax or pencil) or paint. Bigger than 8"x11"
paper, the bigger the better.
Objective: Students practice
being able to make their art work reflective of themselves.
This activity provides an outlet for emotions.
Have each participant circle as
many as five emotions on the emotion list you have given out
(one's with pictures are best).
Ask each participant to draw a
line that would represent an emotion that you call out (this
is for practice and to get everyone into the flow). Call out
for example: how would a sad line look, how about and excited
one, a sorry one a peaceful one etc.
Then after everyone seems at ease
with this, tell them to draw the emotions that they circled
on their inventory sheets in one connected line. So, one continuous
line could show up to 5 emotions. Then each participant takes
a turn to describe their drawing. Students are asked to talk
about and describe how each line represents an emotion in them.
Clip Art
Submitted by Kim Ladwig of Alterra Clare
Bridge Cottage/ Memory Care Unit on January 12, 2001
Size: up to 10
Equipment: Water colors,
paint brushes, clip art from computer
Objective: Hand eye coordination.
Socialization and self esteem.
Description: Choose black
and white clip art from computer. May use clip art according
to holiday. Flowers work best. Enlarge clip art up to fit size
of paper. Have patients paint picture. Very good activity for
Alzheimer's patients. It is not coloring, which to me is a dignity
issue. Also, the thick black lines will make it easier for patients
to see and they will be more successful. I use this activity
once a week in my program. It is our "Water Color Class"
and I have more success with this activity than any others.
by Jessica Hohenberger, CTRS of Hawthorn Center on Friday, February
21, 2003
Size: 1+
Equipment: Instant
pudding-different flavors, Large sheets of paper, Raisins, cheerios,
gumdrops, mini marshmallows, etc
Objective: sensory
stimulation, encourages creativity
Description: Make
pudding according to directions on box. Make sure participants
wash their hands before starting this activity. Let participants
finger paint with the pudding and use the other items to decorate
their pictures however they want. The cool part about this activity
is that everything is edible so eating the art is half as much
fun as creating it! This activity works very well with younger
kids or with clients who will benefit from sensory stim.
Submitted by Chantelle
Fortin of Coloring Therapy on Saturday, January 11, 20043
Size: unlimited
Equipment: markers
and coloring pages
Objective: fulfillment
through coming together with loved ones/friends in a shared
Description: To
bring grandparents and grandchildren together (or friends)
color. Free coloring page for adults and older children can
be found at www.30minutemandalas.com and http://www.free-mandala.com/en/start.html.
Window Painting
Submitted by Pamela
Garofolo of Mainland Manor |
Size: 1-5 (Depends on size
of window)
- poster/tempera paints
- brushes
- pattern (you can by at craft
store or enlarge your own)
- water & rags
- Wipe off markers
Objective: encourage creativity,
nonverbal communication, socialization
Description: Tape a big
pattern of a seasonal, or other, picture behind a window
(Indoor or outdoor) Or you can draw or trace one yourself
on to the window with wipe off markers. Have the clients "Color
in" with the poster paint the pictures. It is very easy
to edit or take off with a wet rag or paper towels, even
when dry. This is very good for wheelchair clients if you
have a window that is full length. You will love the clients
reactions when the sun shines in and the pictures glow.
You or the artists might want
to go over the outline of the pictures with black when you
are done. This hides mistakes, defines the picture, and is
easier on the eyes for those with vision problems.
Be careful of painting over the
markers or a dirty window it can prevent the paint from sticking.
Try it out, and have fun with
Window Painting 2
Submitted by
Evelyn Mika, CTRS of North Broward Medical Center on June
27, 2002
Category: Art,
Crafts & Cooking
Size: 1 or more
Equipment: Dry
Erase markers
Tempura Paints, various colors
Paint Brushes
Stencils or photos to draw
Objective: Standing
tolerance (as needed)
Balance and Coordination (as needed)
Creative Expression
Self Esteem Building
Description: Draw
or trace on windows with dry erase markers. The scenes on
the windows can be a theme (seasons, holidays, big upcoming
activity, etc) or simply writing to be painted (birthdays
or holidays to remember). Paint or fill in outlines with
tempura paint. Mistakes and paintings come off easily with
water and a washcloth even after months baking on in the
Florida heat.
NOTE: Do not paint the entire
window or you will lose your view. If you hate the view,
an underwater scene fills the space nicely.
TIP: If you want a lighter coverage
(more opaque like snow) then mix paint with water.
We put up seasonal scenes without
specific religious holidays so as not to offend our multicultural
and diverse population. It also allows us to keep our dining
room windows painted for two or three months with the freedom
to choose when we take it down/when we have time rather than
being dictated by the exact date of a holiday.
Room bound patients may enjoy
having a different view for a while or just a border so as
not to block their view. Talk to them while you paint. Get
their ideas and preferences. Paint a scene from their childhood
Happy Painting
Foil Painting
Submitted by Amy Best of UCP Eldergarden Older Adult Day Care
Center on September 11, 2002
Size: As many as you want
Equipment: Newspaper,
aluminum foil, various shades of paints, paint brushes, paper
Objective: To be creative in their own way.
Description: Place
newspaper all around the table. Give everyone a piece of
foil about the size of a sheet of paper. Then allow everyone to just paint away on the foil. When they
are finished
painting, press a piece of paper on the painted foil. Peel
the paper back
and let it dry.