some ideas and recipes that may be helpful in your TR program. Send your ideas in.
Smoothie Time
submitted by Jessica Casaday of CSUS on December 20, 2006
Size of Group: 2-4
1. Blender
2. Plastic food gloves
3. Bowls for fruit & ice
4. Paper or plastic cups
5. Slotted spoons
6. Measuring cups for ice, juice, & yogurt
7. Paper towels (baby wipes??)
8. Straws
1. Respond appropriately to question/comments.
2. Initiate conversations in appropriate manner.
3. Follow healthy diet.
Directions: Note that ingredients are in the order that they must be placed into the blender.
1. 1 cup of ice
2. ½ cup of water
3. ¼ cup lemon drink mix
4. ½ cup of vanilla yogurt
1. Youth
2. Elderly
3. Individuals with Physical Disabilities
4. Individuals with Mental Disabilities
1. Individuals who may harm themselves or others:
Count sharps (if they help cut additional fruit), Plastic blenders or only staff touch blenders, Plastic cups
2. Youth: Directions in large font
3. Elderly: Directions in large font,
Smoothie blenders with pull push spout
4. Individuals with physical disabilites: Smoothie blender has a spout you push or pull to serve
5. Individuals with mental disabilities: Photo or actual ingredient visible to them Large font Simple directions
No cook rice crispy treats
Donna Drake
of Heartland at Willowbrook on July 19, 2005
Size: 12/15
Equipment: 1 bag Hersheys milk chocolate bits. 1 8
oz jar peanut butter. 1 box rice crispies cereal. 2
small bowls per person. rubber cloves.
Objective: cognitive, social, small motor skills,
Description: Get your group together
around a table. Have them put on rubber cloves. micro
wave chocolate
bits for 1 minute till melted and smooth. Give each
person two bowls. one with scoop of melted chocolate
and scoop peanut butter, the other with rice crispies.
Have your residents mix the chocolate and peanut butter
together till smooth and then add the rice crispies.
Put the mixture on in balls on wax paper and chill
for one hour. Some of my residents ate it before it
got to the wax paper.
Breezy Peach Cobbler (No mixing )
submitted by Carolyn
Shrimplin of Westminster
Manor Of Bradenton, Health Center Activities Coordinator on
April 04, 2005 Size: as many as you have room for
Equipment: 1 box
yellow cake mix 1 large can of peaches, 2 sticks
of real butter, 2tsp of cinnamon, can use
nutmeg,but go easy. 1 large glass baking dish, or can
use casserole dish. I prefer not to use metal dish
for this dessert.
Objective: Aroma
therapy, Sensory stimulating, Initiates socializing,
team work,Reminiscing about when they
baked for their families. Great appetizer,before dinner,
or for dessert. Can be frozen. after cooling, only store
for 3-4 days.
Description: preheat
oven to temp according to cake mix temp on box. Pour
dry cake mix in baking dish,
try to distribute evenly. Open canned peaches DO NOT
DRAIN JUICES pour peaches over top of dry cake mix
try to distribute evenly, No stirring of mixtures.
Slice butter in squares,and place over peaches, Cover
entire dessert with butter. Sprinkle cinnamon over
top of butter. Place in middle of oven. Bake uncovered
until butter melts and dessert is bubbling. Top should
be brown with traces of where cinnamon was sprinkled.
Dessert should bake 20-25 min, maybe less depending
on temp of oven.
Use heavy duty oven mitts to remove. Keep Steam away.
Set in a safe place to cool for 20-25 min, or can
be placed in refrigerator, uncovered for 15-20 min. apprx.
After cooling can add Ice Cream Topping,or Cool whip.
Serves 7-10. Servings should be small, dessert very
sweet. ENJOY.
Bread Making
by Cynthia Soucy, CTRS of Harborside
Healthcare Willowson
April 30, 2005
Size: any size
Equipment: Bread maker, follow instructions according
to breadmaker, butter, and knife
Objective: For an "at home" feeling, stimulate
Description: Every Friday at our facility, I bake
a loaf of fresh bread for our patients. They are now
really looking forward to it every week, and they are
always interested on what kind of bread I will be making.
It is important to get a breadmaker that has a rapid
rise cycle. The bread kneeds, rises and bakes in
1 hour in my machine.
At 9:00 each Friday, I put all of the ingredients
into the bread machine and hit start. This takes
about 5 minutes. Put on a fan toward the end of the
cycle so that the smell will travel throughout the
room and in the hallway. This attracts more people
to the activity.
After the bread is made, I get my residents into
the activity room for a game. Before the game I show
them all the fresh bread. While the bread cools,
we play the game, and at the end of the activity,
I cut it up and serve it to the residents. I only
give them a half of a slice because lunch is shortly
after and it may spoil their appetites.
After the patients/residents get their fill at the
activity, I bring the rest down either to the therapy
department for our short term patients, or I go room
to room to those who can not make it down. There
are always staff looking for a treat too!
Coffee Can Ice Cream
Submitted by Kathy Sharp of Vancouver Island Health Authority
on February 08, 2004
Size: 2 to 10
1-one pound & 1-three pound coffee can (empty)
1 bag of Ice Cubes, Rock Salt, rectangular table
and towels
Bowls, Spoons, Ice cream scoop
Vanilla ice cream
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup light cream
1 beaten egg (or use dried could omit if worried
about health risk)
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
To enjoy the process of making ice cream
To reminisce about ice cream and summertime
For all varieties of Ice Cream:
Have the participants (Delegating the first 5 steps to
In 1 lb. coffee can have a participant mix all ingredients.
Have a participant (or yourself) seal can lid (Tightly) with duct tape.
Have a participant put the small can sealed can inside larger 3 lb. can.
Pack ice and 1 cup salt around small can.
Put lid on large can and duct tape closed.
Have the participants sit along a rectangular table on either side and have
them roll the cans back & forth on a large towel (towel optional) for
15 minutes.
Open large can and dump ice and water.
Wipe small can dry and open.
Have participant stir mix, scraping sides of can. Additional ingredients, e.g.
cookie crumbs, chopped nuts, can be added now.
Reseal small can and place back in larger can. Repack with salt and ice.
Have participants continue rolling for 10 minutes more.
Open large can and dump ice and water.
Remove & wipe small can dry and open.
pudding parfaits
by shannon hunes of river hills village on
December 22, 2003
Size: 2-6
or more
Equipment: bananas, plastic knives, clear cups, plates to cut bananas
on, graham crackers or nil la wafers, vanilla pudding and
chocolate pudding, 2 bowls, more if more participants,
wire whisks, spoons to add pudding, spoons to eat with
Objective: dexterity, socialization,sensory outcome: the residents
will enjoy this
1) set up assembly line style, one or 2 for each job
2) 1 team slices bananas, one team crunches graham crackers,
one team makes vanilla pudding, one team makes chocolate
3) when everything is done, the vanilla pudding team drops
some vanilla pudding into clear cup.
4) Bananas
are added, crunched cookies, chocolate pudding, bananas,
cookies, vanilla pudding, bananas as a topper.
looks real neat in the clear cup, they can see the layers
Bagel Pizza
submitted by kiwana Jones on Monday,
November 04, 2002
Size: 6
Equipment: thawed bagel, pasta sauce, pepperoni or meat of choice,shredded
cheese, dried oregano
Objective: allows interaction, increases socialization, fine motor
skills, increases tactile stimulation
Description: spread a small amount of pasta sauce on one half of bagel
add meat, sprinkle cheese a and toast in a broiler oven
until cheese has melted..garnish with oregano
Baking With Style
submitted by Lorice
G. Smith of City of Goldsboro, Parks and Recreation Department
on Wednesday, September 26, 2001
Size: 10 to 12
Equipment: throw away small
cake pans, cake mix, try to choose different flavors. Read the
back of box for ingredients required. Cake frosting, plastic
knives and a large surface for working. Sprinkles (optional)
or any type of simple cake decorations. Volunteers or extra
Objective: Baking and decorating
individual cakes. The expected outcome of this activity is for
consumers to become more independent with Daily Living Skills,
work on number skills, utilizing team building skills and have
a positive intrinsic feeling at the end of of the activity.
Description: Gather about
10 to 12 consumers who has demonstrated an interest in baking.
First of all, ask all consumers to wash their hands and meet
in the kitchen. TR staff or recreation leader should have all
materials out and ready for consumers. Since this is not the
consumer's kitchen, they will not know where items are kept.
Have 4 different stations set up for groups of 3 or 4 at the
most. If leading a group of adults with lower level abilities,
modify when necessary. Read the instructions aloud and ask consumers
to follow. If you have consumers that are capable of reading,
encourage one consumer or take turns reading the instructions
to the rest of the group. Please allow participants to be as
independent as possible. Consumers will need assistance when
using the mixer. Assist individual with pouring cake batter
in their individual pans. One box of mix should yield 3 cakes.
Follow instructions on the back of the box for baking temperature.
While cakes are baking, consumers enjoy their lunch and discuss
the the 1st stage of the activity. While consumers are having
lunch, the leader should take the cakes out of the oven to cool.
After lunch, ask everyone to wash their hands again and meet
in the kitchen. Have fun decorating cakes and encourage consumers
to be creative.
by Janet K. Slade of Genesis on September 16, 1999 |
Size: Can be adjusted to any size group.
Equipment: Large dry erase
board and marker, various types of apples,apple cutter, large
bowl, large metal pot, paring knife and caramel sauce (store
Description: Gather residents
in a large semi circle around you and have the dry erase board
behind you. Start discussion about different ways that apples
are measured, re: by the pound, peck, bushel, etc..Continue
with the idea of what you can do with apples ( and there are
many), applesauce, juice, butter, bobbing for apples, etc..
All of this info is displayed on the dry erase board as you
are talking to your group. My group also talked about William
Tell shooting the apple and the Garden of Eden. Then we discussed
types of apples and I cut the apples and offered small pieces
to those that wanted a bite. They discussed their likes and
dislikes of the apples. Then I put caramel on the apples and
wait until you hear the comments on this part of the program!!
While they were sampling I was busy paring a peck of McIntosh
apples for the sauce. I was given different ideas from my residents
on how long to cook the apples and what to add to them while
they were cooking. While the staff was placing the residents
at their tables I finished cooking the apples and seasoned them
with a bit of cinnamon. Each resident was given a small Dixie
cup of applesauce with lunch (okay with dietary and nursing).
You can also write the word Johnny Apple seed on you dry erase
board and try to rearrange the letters to make other words.
Our facility is 50 residents, all on one floor with the dining
room used for this activity.
Trail Mix
submitted by Michelle Falcon of Children's
Memorial Hospital on May 27, 1999 |
Size of Group: 6-10
Equipment: large bowl spoon,
peanuts or variety of mix nuts, M&M's, gummy bears or dried
fruit (varies with age appropriateness), plain raisins or try
yogurt covered raisins), sunflower seeds
Use any of the following:
1. various sponge shapes and sizes
2. paint brushes
3. rubber stamps
4. potato, apple, any fruits good for sponge painting
Tempera Paint
Newspaper for keeping paint area clean
Painting smocks
water tins
*depending on budget and age group
you can vary this activity to fit needs of your clients/patients
Objective: Increase leisure
awareness through an easy nutritional snack making activity,
and increase fine motor skills, and creativity making snack
packs for take home. This activity enhances, listening, socialization,
and team building skills.
Leader should motivate clients
using the theme Blazen Trail Mix through what can we find while
on a nature walk or trail. Talk about using this as a great
snack while in nature, on picnics, at parties, or in your daily
1. Distribute materials to individuals(pair
up if needed)
2. Explain during the activity that it is important to listen
to the instructions and that each person has an
important part of this activity.
3. Read the recipe out loud and have the clients follow your
instructions. Together they are making the final product to
be used in the snack packs.
4. Empty 1 cup of the trail mix into the individual snack packs!
Art Activity: How to make snack
*always use zip lock bags if time
doesn't allow art project
Place newspapers down to keep area
Place a variety of paint mediums on table
Place colors of paint in individual containers (large paper
plate is good for dipping)
Use small brown paper bags
Have clients decorate the paper bags with various mediums. Encourage
clients to make
trees, flowers, rocks, bugs, and other things found in nature.
Set aside to dry
Make sure to put names of each bag for identification
When dry fill with Blazen Trail Mix!!!
Ice Cream
in a Can
submitted by Cynthia Teague of Soroptimist
International of Gainesville, Texas for Alzheimer's Time
Out Program |
Size of Group: small or
Equipment: 1 2lb coffee
can with lid, 1 13 oz coffee can with lid
Objective: use of fine and
gross motor skills use of cooking skills:reading and following
Description: place small
can inside larger can: add 1 pt of 1/2 and 1/2 cream into the
small can with 1 cup sugar and 1 tsp. of vanilla and stir; close
can with small lid; in between the two cans add rock salt and
chopped ice and close the can with the large lid. Wrap a large
towel around the can with remaining towels ends extending beyond
the can on both end.
With low background music playing
take turns twisting the ends of the towels in opposite directions
which turns the can or place hands on top of the side of the
can and rock back and forth. To freeze the ice cream takes approximately
20-25 minutes. It will make approximately 3 cups of ice cream.
Great for low functioning Alzheimer's persons or those clients
with upper extremity problems.
Fabulous Meatballs, a fast, easy ready to enjoy
Submitted by: Carol Leandro |
- 1 bag frozen meatballs
- 1 11/2 lb. jar grape jelly
- 1 jar any brand chili sauce
Add grape jelly to saucepan to
melt. Then add chili sauce add meatballs. Simmer for at least
25min (can be put in oven for 1/2 hour at 250 degrees. Serve
Submitted by Diane Tripp |
I work in a long term care facility
and I have used this recipe many times with great success with
residents with all sorts of physical and cognitive disabilities.
I got the recipe from my daughter's preschool so I know it works
with different ages as well. Diane Tripp
- tubes of refrigerated biscuit
dough (the amount depends on the number of participants)
- Cinnamon
- sugar
I have residents cut or tear up
the biscuits into small pieces. They then place them in zip-loc
bags with sugar and cinnamon. They then shake the bags to evenly
coat each piece of biscuit. Make sure the bags are properly
closed first!! Place each piece of biscuit in a lightly greased
pan and bake according to the directions on the biscuit package.
I use a toaster oven and fill the pan as much as I possibly
can. While the first batch is baking, we start working on the
next. We've even had assembly lines going with each individual
responsible for only one task. Make sure you make a lot because
once staff smells it baking, they come running to try it. And
the residents are so proud to share their end product with others!
There is a glaze that can be made
by mixing butter and brown sugar and pouring it on before baking.
It's just as good with out it though and I don't have to worry
about anyone handling the hot butter.
submitted by Charlie Dixon,
2 tablespoon
1/2 cup of water
2 tablespoon vinegar
2 cups of sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla |
There are various recipes for taffy.
The one described below worked out fine for me.
Be sure that the participants wash
their hands well, including under the nails. "Surgical"
gloves may be suggested. In any event, cleanliness is important
and needs to be stressed.
Melt butter. Add water & bring
it to a boil. Stir in the sugar till it dissolves. Cover the
pan and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Uncover and boil to 260 degrees.
Pour the contents onto a buttered plate. Sprinkle on vanilla.
When cool, pull the taffy and cut it into bite size pieces.
Wrap the candy with wax paper. Note: you may add coloring while
cooking to add color to your taffy.
Practice making the taffy 1st yourself
before you make it with others. Depending upon the number of
participants, you will want to increase the size of the recipe.
submitted by Heather
Cayse of Regency Manor Rehabilitation and Subacute
Center on April 27, 1999
Size of
Group: 10 or more
Sugar cookie dough, cinnamon, sugar
Everyone has participation in the activity
When we have a cooking group full of all levels of abilities,
we have the lower level residents make snickerdoodle cookies
while the higher level residents work on another higher
level cooking activity. This way everyone is busy doing
something in the kitchen. Snickerdoodles are fairly simple
and do not require a lot of one to one supervision. When
the snickerdoodles are finished, the residents sell them
to the staff for a fund raiser. The residents use the money
earned to have
an extra party at the end of the month (our residents
like having a lunch party with different ethnic foods)
or to help to cut down on the cost of a trip for the residents
to enjoy.