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Multi-cultural Arts and Crafts Activities for Recreation Therapy

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Shrink Art (multicultural)
submitted by Elaine Belkind of City of Berkeley, Recreation Programs

Size: 1-20

Equipment: shrink art plastic, permanent markers, colored pencils and/or acrylics, oven or toaster oven (not microwave), jewelry findings, glue gun or tacky glue, images to trace (multicultural)

Objective: increase multi-cultural awareness, enhance self esteem, practice fine motor tasks, social interaction including making gifts to give or sell

Description: Cut shrink art sheets into quarters.  have prepared images in same size.  Multi-cultural coloring books are a great source.  Shrink them on the copying machine.  have clients trace the images.  Shrink according to instructions on package.  Add pin back or magnet. (if you want a pendant, you must punch holes before shrinking)

Acrylics will bubble if applied too thickly.  I have best results from opaque shrink art plastic.

submitted by Leanne Cornell of Montreal Association for the Blind

Size of Group: any number


1.Cardboard rolls from wrapping paper
2.1 1/2 nail
3. dried peas, rice or popcorn kernels
4. masking tape/duct tape
5. stuff for decorating them like feathers, leather string, beads, markers, glitter etc.


Learning about the weather, sensory stimulation for the visually impaired.

Just a fun thing to make on a rainy day, or learning about cultures, such as native north American or aboriginal Indians.


1. Cover 1 end with the tape, then you poke little holes throughout the roll in a random fashion.
2. Add 1/2 of the dried peas, rice, or popcorn to the roll, then tape up the other end.
3.Decorate the roll any way the client wants too.
4. Once completed the roll can shaken or tipped over to hear the "rain" storm.


Activities & Tx pages sponsored by compuTR and maintained by Charles Dixon
If reprinting ideas from these pages, please give credit.


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