“Recreation: improving lives one activity at a time.”
Danielle Busansky, Rec Therapy Student
"I am grateful for tomorrow because it is another day to improve."
This came from a patient that had a C-4 fracture with resulting tetraplegia
"Being able to provide for the family is important but when living without RECREATION is like a car without gas. It’s stopped and parked waiting to be taking away. So why not give it some gas and take it to a wonderful place."
Lian Chin
"I'm a firm believer now that even the baby steps we take, if done in multitudes, will eventually cover a lot of ground."
Mary Friesen, Recreation Therapist at Grand River Hospital, Ontario
"Therapeutic Recreation is about not about looking at the capabilities of the individuals but the abilities that make that individual who they are."
Pamela Higginbotham, Second Year, Brock University Recreation and Leisure Student
"Therapeutic Recreation: We're more than just
fun and games."
Stephanie Parker
"Some days are simply made for playing."
Mary Anne Radmacher
"Therapeutic Recreation: LiFe; Leisure inteventions, Functional
Deanna Tahau, 3rd year student at EIT
New Zealand
"Courage does not always ROAR. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says 'I will try again tomorrow.' "
Mary Anne Radmacher
"If bread is the necessity of life, recreation
is a close second"
Edward Bellamy
(submitted by Diane McGuire)
"We do better together, not alone. We need to play together to feel alive. We need to share together to feel whole. At any age, we need to feel, recreate, breathe!"
Patricia Miller, Rec. T.
"I slept and i dreamed that life is
all joy, i woke and i saw that life is
all service. I served and i saw that serivce is joy."
Mother Theresa
(Submitted by Deborah)
"Living to play. Playing to LIVE! Recreation Therapy, Wanna Play?"
Christy Johnson, ADC
"Why do we fall?"..."So we can learn to pick ourselves up."
Batman Begins
submitted by Krys V. Drakin, LRT/CTRS
"Past the beggar and the suffering walked he who asks, 'why, oh god, do you not do something for these people?' To which god replied, 'i did do something, I made you.'"
Old Sufi saying
(Submitted by Deborah)
"Therapeutic Recreation Specialists are special people that not only touch the lives of the individuals we work with but they improve their quality of life by successfully allowing them to overcome barriers, achieve leisure optimally with limited about of assistance."
Pamela Higginbotham, Second Year, Brock University Recreation and Leisure Student
"Therapeutic Recreation: 'The Poss-Abilities Are Endless...'"
Tricia Guthrie, TR student
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music"
- Aldous Huxley
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