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Colleges & Universities with Therapeutic Recreation Programs

Notice: to prevent email harvesters from picking email and using it for spam, the @ symbol has been replaced with an asterick (*).

Click here for NCTRC Study Guide from Morrison Media

Go here for SAT & ACT Study Guides

Listed below are colleges & universities that have therapeutic recreation or recreation therapy programs. For additions, corrections and deletions contact Charlie Dixon at . NOTICE: this is not an all inclusive list of colleges with TR programs. Programs get cancelled and added. I add and delete schools as information is passed along to me.

(distant ed) indicates programs with Distant Learning or Online Programs.

: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z

(page updated as of 10-24-18)



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  • Houghton College, Houghton, NY

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  • Kean College of New Jersey, Union, NJ, (908) 737-2098/2165, Fran Stavola-Daly (fdaly*
  • Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, NY, 718-934-5831, Nick Skirka (nskirka*

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  • York College of Pennslyvania, York, PA 717-846-7788, Dr. Annette Logan


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Programs with On-Line or Distance Learning Programs.

For a complete listing of collegeWeb sites in the US go to

Continuing Education Opportunities

Online Graduate Programs




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