The bibliography
is categorically compiled, and chronologically listed by:
Periodicals, Articles, Books, and Additional Resources
1841 "American Journal of Insanity"
later renamed "American Journal of Psychiatry" (AJP)
1906 "Recreation" NRA
1911 "Maryland Psychiatric Quarterly" (MPQ)
edited by William Rush Dunton, Jr. (NSPOT organ 1917-1922)
1918-1919 "Carry On-a Magazine on the Reconstruction
of Disabled Soldiers and Sailors" Red Cross
c1920 "Re-Aides' Post" National Association
of Ex-Military Reconstruction Aides
1922 "Archives of Occupational Therapy" (AOT)
NSPOT; AOTA,1923-1925
1925 "Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation"
1930 "Journal of Health and Physical Education"
becomes JHPER in 1949
1932 "North Carolina Recreation Commission Bulletin"
1946 "Recreation Suggestions Exchange Bulletin"
Amer. Nat. Red Cross (Intercom in "53)
1947 "American Physical and Mental Rehabilitation"
1947 "American Journal of Occupational Therapy"
1948 "The Bulletin" ARS
1948 "News Bulletin of the Hospital Recreation Section"
1950 "American Association of Rehabilitation Therapists
Bulletin" AART
1953 "Intercom" Amer. Nat. Red Cross (was Sugg.
Ex. Bull.)
1953 "Inter-State News" NART (changes to Recreation
for the Ill and Handicapped, Mar. 1957)
1957 "Recreation for the Ill and Handicapped"
1963 "Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development"
VA Dept. of Med. and Surg.
1967 "Therapeutic Recreation Journal" NRPA-NTRS
c1984 "ATRA Annual" ATRA
? "Journal of Rehabilitation" National Rehabilitation
"Distraction and Diversion" Spec, 71:203-204, Aug.
12, 1893
"Recreation Versus Distraction" Spec, 72:368-369,
Mar. 17, 1894
"Tenement-house Life and Recreation" Outlook, 61:364-367,
Feb. 11, 1899
"History of the Development of Occupation for the Insane"
MPQ, 4:14, Jun. 1914
"The Wisdom of Leisure" The Playground, 9:335, Jan.
"New vocation-diversional occupation at Bloomingdale Hospital"
Ind Arts M, 5:516-521, Dec.
"Something to Do-the New Medicine" Survey, 37:431-432,
Jan. 13, 1917
"Lock and Key; Flower Growing for Nervous Invalids"
Survey, 38:14-15, Apr. 7, 1917
"Special Courses in Curative Occupations and Recreation"
Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy Special Bulletin,
Dec. 1917
"Miss Tracy's Work in General Hospitals" MPQ, 6:63,
Jan. 1917
"History of Occupational Therapy" Modern Hospital,
8:360, Jun. 1917
"Occupation and its Relation to Mental Hygiene" Modern
Hospital, 8:397-398, Jun. 1917
"Vocational Rehabilitation of Soldiers Suffering from Nervous
Diseases" Mental Hygiene, 2:265-276
"Re-weaving the Web" Carry On, 1(4):23-26
"Chairman's Address-The National Program for the Reconstruction
and Rehabilitation of Disabled Soldiers" JAMA, 70:1924-1925
"Occupation Therapy" Manual Train, 19:245-247, Mar.
"New Way for Women to Aid the Wounded: Occupational Therapy"
Lit Digest, 58:32-33, Sep. 28, 1918
"Occupation Cure for Shell Shock" Touchstone, 4:3-6,
Oct. 1918
"Equipment for the Bedside occupation of Men" Ind
Arts M, 7:382-385, 409-414, Oct.-Nov. 1918
"Philadelphia School for Occupational Therapy" Ann
Am Acad, 80:58-61, Nov. 1918
"Staff" MPQ, 8:8, Jul. 1919
"The Experiment in Occupational Therapy at Base Hospital
117, A.E.F." Mental Hygiene,
"Application of Curative Therapy in the Workshop"
Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, 1:676
"The Importance of Physical Therapy in Military and Civilian
Practice" Military Surgeon,
Editorial, Mental Hygiene, 3:1-3
"Rehabilitation of the Disabled" JAMA, 72:1505-1513
"Bedside Occupational Therapy" Carry On, 1(6):13-15
"To the Returning Soldier" Carry On, 1(8):14-15
"News and Exchanges" Carry On, 1(10):32
"The Passing of the Henry B. Favill School" MPQ, 10:77-79
"Reconstruction Aide" Bulletin No. 75, amended US
Civil-Service Examination
"St. Louis School of Occupational Therapy," Modern
Hospital, 17:1, July 1921
"Associated Reconstructionists" Modern Hospital, 17:48
"A Study in Occupational Therapy for Psychoneuroses"
AOT, 1:457, Dec. 1922
"Occupational Therapy as Developed in the National Home
for Disabled Soldiers" Modern Hospital, 24:570-572
"The Development of OT in Private Hospitals for Mental
and Nervous Diseases" OTR, 4:83-100, Apr. 1925
"Professional Training in Occupational Therapy" Psychiatric
Quarterly, 2:184-188
"Recreational Therapy for Convalescents" Playground,
23:163-165, Jun. 1929
"Fifty Years Ago-Founding of the Historic St. Louis Manual
Training School" Ind. Ed. Mag., 30:445-446, Jun. 1929
"Achievements in Recreation for Body and Mind" H Sch
Q, 18:29-31, Oct. 1929
"Curing by Craftwork; Occupational Therapy" Times
Ed Supp., 755:462, Oct. 19, 1929
"Correcting Emotional Problems Through Play" Parents
Mag, 4:16, Oct.; also in 4:24, Nov. 1929
"Keeping the Convalescent Busy" Parents Magazine,
5:17+, Feb. 1930
"Twenty-five Years of Progress in Recreation,1906-1931"
Mind and Body,38:573-576,Sep.1931; also in (Sch Life, 17:126-127,
Mar. 1932)
"Underwater Gymnastics (Hydrotherapy)" Mind and Body,
39:67-72, May 1932
"The Occupational Therapy Programme in the State of New
York" Journal of Mental Science, 80:639-649
"National Recreation Congress-1935" Sch and Soc, 42:427,
Sep. 28, 1935
"Individualization in the Prescription for Nursing Care
of the Psychiatric Patient" JAMA, 106:756-761
"Rehabilitation Work in Wisconsin" Wisc. Journ. of
Ed., 68:376, Apr. 1936
"Recreation at a Mental Hospital" Recreation, 30:249+,
Aug. 1936
"Activity and Mental Hygiene Problems" JHPE, 7:556-558+,
Nov. 1936 (biblio)
"Recreational Therapy as Applied in a Modern Psychiatric
Hospital" OTR, 16:15-23, 1937
"The Aims and Practice of Recreational Therapy"Bulletin
Menninger Clinic, 1:117-122, Mar. 1937
"Further Study of Recreational Therapy" AAHPE Res
Q, 9:60-63, Mar. 1938
"Therapy for the Maladjusted" JHPE, 8:143-145+, Mar.
1937 (biblio)
"History of Rehabilitation in the Nation" Occupations,
15:585-588, Apr. 1937
"Launching a National Project" Occupations, 15:589-592,
Apr. 1937
"The Need for Statistics in Rehabilitation" Occupations,
15:593-595, Apr. 1937
"Individual Diagnosis-An Essential First Step" Occupations,
15:596-597, Apr. 1937
"Cincinnati's Program of Rehabilitation" Occupations,
15:598-604, Apr. 1937
"Saranac Lake Goes to School" Occupations, 15:605-610,
Apr. 1937
"Rehabilitation in the District of Columbia" Occupations,
15:611-613, Apr. 1937
"Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Patient's Reactions
in Occupational Therapy, Recreational Therapy and Physiotherapy"
Bulletin Menninger Clinic, 1:148-157, May 1937
"Recreation Rehabilitates the Shut-in" Recreation,
31:417+, Oct. 1937
"Recreation Leadership as a College Course" JHPE,
9:99+, Feb. 1938
"Occupational Therapy" Trained Nurse and Hospital
Review, 100:375-382
"Recreation in a Mental Hospital" JHPE, 9:283-285,
May 1938
"OT-A New Profession" Occupations, The Vocational
Guidance Magazine, 17:293-298, Jan. 1939
"Therapeutic Value of Education" Journal of Adult
Education, 11:420-423, Oct. 1939
"The Sensory Level in Hygienic Integration" Mental
Hygiene, 24:107-111, Jan. 1940
"Report of Research Experimentation in Exercise and Recreational
Therapy" AJP, 99:915-933, Jan. 1940
"Occupational Therapy and Current Educational Trends"
JHPE, 11:74-78+, Feb. 1940
"Occupational Therapy for Sick Children" New Era,
19:239-241, Sep. 1938
"Bibliography of Master's Theses and Doctoral Studies in
the Field of Recreation to Dec. 1939" AAHPE&R Res Q,
11:150-163, Mar. 1940
"Whom to Train for Recreational Leadership? JHPE, 12:397+,
Sep. 1941
"Recreational Therapy" Hygeia, Aug. 1941
"Psychiatric Concepts of Recreation" OTR, 21:116,
Feb. 1942
"Schools of Occupational Therapy" JAMA, 118:1135-1136,
Mar. 28, 1942
"Play Analysis in Children" Ztschr. f. Kinderpsychiat.,
8:173-177, Mar. 1942
"Recreation and Wartime Morale" JHPE, 13:142-143+,
Mar. 1942
"Recreation and Morale, Subjective Symposium" Bulletin
Menninger Clinic, 6:65-95,103-107, May 1942
"Recreation Leadership as a Career" JHPE, 13:397+,
Sep. 1942
"Recent Trends in Recreation" JHPE, 13:398-399+, Sep.
"NRA Surveys the Field of Recreation, Cincinnati, Sep.
28-Oct. 2, 1942" Sch & Soc, 56:414-415, Oct. 31, 1942
"Occupational Therapy as a Vocation" Occupations,
21:208-213, Nov. 1942
"Recreation as an Aid in the Community Life of the Mental
Hospital" OTR, 22:1, Feb. 1943,
"Occupational Therapy, the Saving of Mind and Life through
Artcrafts" School Arts, pp. 17-18, Sep. 1943
"Evidence of a Science of Recreational Guidance" AAHPER
Res Q, 14:310-320, Oct. 1943
"Children's Play in Wartime" Mental Hygiene, 27:549-553,
Oct., 1943
"Comp. of Recreational Activities of Dementia Praecox;
Patients of WWI and WWII" OTR, 22:255-261, Dec. 1943
"Rehabilitation: Opportunities for Psychotherapy in Physical
Therapy" OTR, 22:286-293, Dec. 1943
"Release of Aggression Through Play Therapy for Ten Year
Old Patient at Child Guidance Clinic" Psychoanalytic Review,
37:71-80, Jan. 1944
"Occupational-Recreational Programs in Neuropsychiatric
Sections of Army Station Hospitals" War Medicine, 5:109-116,
Feb. 1944
"Therapy of Play" Mental Health, 5:3-7, 1944
"Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation" Occupations,
23:143-147, Dec. 1944
"Work Recreational Approach to Occupational Therapy"
OTR, 23:275-280, Dec. 1944
"Community Programs for Social Adjustment" Annals
of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 239:144-149,
May 1945
"Psychological Adjustment in Activity Therapy" Physiotherapy
Review, 25:280-286, Nov.-Dec. 1945
"A History of the American Physiotherapy Association"
Physiotherapy Review, 6:11-12
"Occupational Therapy in Psychiatric Treatment" AJOT,
1:1-9, Feb. 1947
"Recreation in a Neuro-Psychiatric Program" JHPE,
18:140-142+, Mar. 1947
"The Veterans Administration Athletic Program" JHPE,
18:368-370+, Jun. 1947
"Qualities of the Professional in Hospital Recreation"
JHPE, (28:12-14, Oct. 1947)?
"To Learn to Laugh: visual and auditory materials in storytelling"
Recreation, 41:27-29, Apr. 1948
"Recreation and Mental Health" Recreation, 41:340-346,
Nov. 1948
"Problems in Attitude Therapy In a Mental Hospital"
AJP, 105:456-461, Dec. 1948
"Children's Work and Play Experience in Hospitals"
Childhd Education, 25:172-174, Dec. 1948
"Pioneer Occupational Therapists in WWI" AJOT, 2:208-215
"Recreation is Therapy" JHPER, 20:240, Apr. 1949 (editorial)
"A Leader in Hospital Program" Recreation, 43:591+,
Mar. 1950
"Hospital Recreation" JHPER, 22:24-25, May 1951
"Archery for the Handicapped" JHPER, 22:28, May 1951
"Recreation in Veterans Administration Hospitals"
Recreation, 44:65-68, May 1951
"Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Child" JHPER, 45:?,
Jun. 1951
"We Prescribe Recreation" JHPER, 22:13+, Nov. 1951
"Recreation as Your Career" JHPER, 195? v pp. 27+
"Opening Doors Through Dance" JHPER, 23:?, Mar. 1952
"Guiding Principles on Adapted Physical Education"
JHPER, 23:?, Apr. 1952
"Hospital Recreation is Unique" JHPER, 23:29-30+,
May 1952 (B.E. Phillips)
"Those Who Can't See Need Physical Education Most"
JHPER, 23:?, May 1952
"Recreational Therapy: A New Section of the AAHPER Recreation
Division, Formed at the April 1952 Convention" 23:23-24,
Jun. 1952
Sep. cover of JHPER devoted to Recreational Therapy
"Recreation in the Mental Hospital: A Philosophy"
JHPER, 23:7, Sep. 1952
"Archery, A Hospital Therapy" Archery, Oct. 1952
"Recreation Needs in a Civilian Hospital" Recreation,
46:?, Jan. 1953
"Recreation is More Than Fun" Recreation, 46:75, May
"Hospital Recreation" Recreation, 46:229, Sep. 1953
"Osawatomie" Recreation, 46:418, Dec. 1953
"Recreation in Hospitals-Congress Capsules" Recreation,
46:402, Dec. 1953
"Recreation in the Total Hospital Situation" 35th
NRA Congress Proceedings, 35:137-140, 1953
"Swimming-Activity for the Handicapped" JHPER, 24:?,
Apr. 1953
"Recreation is More than Fun" Recreation, 46:75-78,
May 1953
"The Spice of Life" Recreation, 46:69, May 1953 (editorial)
"The Unseen Target" JHPER, 24:?, Jun. 1953
"Basic Concepts of Hospital Recreation" HRS Committee
Report, Sep. 27, 1953
"Physical Education in Medical Practice" JHPER, 24:?,
Nov. 1953
"Recreation Helps Tuberculous Children" JHPER, 24:18-19+,
Nov. 1953
"Dance as Therapy for the Mentally Ill" Teachers College
Record, Jan. 1954
"Is Hospital Recreation on the Move?" Recreation,
47:84-86, Feb. 1954
"Recreation Therapy" Recreation, 47:87:88, Feb. 1954
"Dancing Helps Mental Patients Make Initial Contact"
Mental Hosp., Feb. 1954
"Hospital Management Looks at Hospital Recreation"
JHPER, 25:8-9, Apr. 1954
"Swimming for the Physically Handicapped" JHPER, 25:12-13+,
Apr. 1954
"Professional Leadership in Hospital Recreation" Recreation,
47:410-412, Sep. 1954
"From the President" AJOT, 9:137
"Recreation: Needed Hospital Service" JHPER, 26:21-22,
Jan. 1955
"Hospital Patients Need Planned Recreation" Modern
Hospital, Nov. 1955
"Recreation and the Anxious Patient" Recreation, 49:18,
Jan. 1956
"Second Hospital Recreation Institute" Recreation,
49:320, Sep. 1956
"Recreation Services for the Mentally Retarded" Recreation,
49:321, Sep. 1956
"Recreation: Can You Afford to Get Along Without It?"
Hosp. Mgmt, Sep. 1956
"Setting Up the Recreation Program" Hosp Mgmt, Oct.
"Sports Issue of JAMA" JAMA, Nov. 17, 1956
"Standards for the VA Recreation Trainee" JHPER, 27:31,59,
Dec. 1956
"The Role of the Nurse in Recreational Therapy" NW,
131:14+, Mar. 1957
"Recreational Care for the Mentally Ill and Retarded"
Recreation, 50:109, Mar. 1957
"Meeting the Needs of Patients" ARS Bulletin, 9:12-21,
May, 1957
""Recreation Services for the Handicapped" Recreation,
50:225, Jun. 1957
"New Vistas in Recreation for Patients" Recreation,
50:259-260, Sep. 1957
"Recreation for the Handicapped" Recreation, 50:361,
Dec. 1957
"Recreation, Medicine and the Humanities" Recreation,
50:364-365, Dec. 1957
"National Conference on Recreation for the Mentally Ill"
JHPER, 29:30-31, Feb. 1958
"Our Responsibility in the Rehabilitation Process"
Recreation, 51:202-3, Jun. '58
"Recreation Program is Helpful to Patients" Mod Hosp,
91:59+, Jul. 1958
"Recreation as a Human Need" ARS Bulletin, 10:10-28,
Sep. 1958
"Is Recreation for Everyone?" Recreation, 51:274,
Oct. 1958
"Recreation-A Positive Force in Preventive Medicine"
Recreation, 52:265, Sep. 1959
"Recreation for the Ill, Handicapped, and Aged" Recreation,
52:334-5, Oct. 1959
"Pathological Play" NCRC Bulletin, 27:7-13, Nov. 1959
"Recreation Goals in a Psychiatric Hospital" Recreation,
52:426-7, Dec. 1959
"Recreation for the Ill and Handicapped" Recreation,
53:26-7, Jan. 1960
"Therapeutic Recreation" Hospital Mgmt, 89:35+, Apr.
"Recreation in a Rehabilitation Center for Children"
Hospital Mgmt, 89:42+, Apr. 1960
"The AMA Recognizes Recreational Therapy" Recreation,
53:300, Sep. 1960
"The Recreator-Therapist or Therapeutic Agent?" Recreation,
53:360-1, Oct. 1960
"Recreation Therapy in a General Hospital" Hospital
Mgmt, 90:36, Dec. 1960
"Contributions of Hospital Recreation to the Care and Treatment
of Patients" The Welfare Reporter (New Jersey), 12:3-13,
Jan. 1961
"Physical Rehabilitation and Recreation" Recreation,
54:74&102, Sep. 1961
"Learning to Laugh" Recreation, 54:371, Sep. 1961
"Evaluation of Program Techniques in Hospital Recreation"
Recreation, 56:38&52, Jan. 1963
"Recreation Promotes Health" Recreation, 56:128-9,
Mar. 1963
"Objective Evidence of Recreation's Contribution to the
Patient" NCRC Bulletin, 32:17-23, Sep. 1963
"Pioneering Legislation Provides Recreation for the Handicapped"
Recreation, 56:403&410, Nov. 1963
"Menninger Patient Center" Recreation, 57:221, May
"Rehabilitative Recreation in VA Hospitals" Recreation,
57:224-226, May 1964
"Exploring a Need-A Survey of Recreation in Institutions
for the Mentally Retarded" Recreation, 57:304-5, Jun. 1964
"Recreation for the Mentally Retarded (bibliography)"
Recreation, 58:192, Apr. 1965
"Editorial-Fellow Pioneers" Parks & Recreation,
1:13, Jan. 1966
"Therapeutic Recreation for the Patient with Ankylosing
Spondylitis" Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
47:77-83, Feb. 1966
"Therapeutic Recreation in a Federal Maze" Parks &
Recreation, 1:840-841, Oct. 1966
"The Founding and Founders of the American Occupational
Therapy Association" AJOT,
"The Henry B. Favill School of Occupations and Eleanor
Clarke Slagle" AJOT, 46:34-37, Jan. '92
"The Reconstruction Aides" AJOT, 46:38-43, Jan. 1992
"A Historical Review of Occupational Therapy's Role in
Preventive Health and Wellness" AJOT, 46:50-55, Jan. 1992
"US Military Influence" AJOT, 49:256-262
1780 Tissot "Gymnastique Medicinale et Churgicale"
1801 Pinel "Traite Medico-philosophique sur L'alienation
Mentale" reiss. Eng. 1977
1803 Reil "Rhapsodies on the Psychic Treatment of
the Insane"
1840 Lauret "On the Moral Treatment of Insanity"
1908-1911 "Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy
Yearbook and Bulletin"
1909 "Twentieth (20th) Biennial Report of the Board
of Public Charities of the
State of Illinois, July 1, 1906-June 30, 1908"
1910 Addams "Twenty Years at Hull House with Autobiographical
1910 Tracy "Studies in Invalid Occupations-A Manual
for Nurses and Attendants"
1915 Dunton "Occupational Therapy-A Manual for Nurses"
1915 Hall "The Work of Our Hands-A Study of Occupations
for Invalids"
1917 Favill "Henry Baird Favill, 1860-1916"
1919 Dunton "Reconstruction Therapy"
1920 Brush "Recreational Therapy in Convalescence
and Allied Subnormal Health Conditions"
1923 Briggs "Occupation as a Substitute for Restraint
in the Treatment of the Mentally
Ill; a History of the Passage of Two Bills Through the Massachusetts
Legislature" reprint in 1973
1925 Haas "Occupational Therapy for the Mentally
and Nervously Ill"
1928 Dunton "Prescribing Occupational Therapy"
reprinted '45 & '47
1932 Jacks "Education Through Recreation"
1933 Meyer "Spontaneity"
1933 Hoppin "History of the World War Reconstruction
1935 Davis/Barnes "Recreational Therapy, Play and
Mental Health."
1936 Davis and Dunton "Principles and Practice of
Recreational Therapy for the Mentally Ill"
1936 Taylor "Chicago Commons Through Forty Years"
1937 Williamson "Students and Occupations"
1937 Horney "The Neurotic Personality of Our Time"
1938 Davis "Play and Mental Health; Principles and
Practice for Teachers"
1938 Russell "The Occupational Treatment of Mental
1938 Sands "Bibliography on Occupational Therapy"
1939 U.S. Dept. of Labor "Dictionary of Occupational
Titles; volume 1 Definition of Titles"
1940 Brown and Menninger "The Psychodynamics of
Abnormal Behavior"
1942 Menninger "Love Against Hate" chapter
7 on play
1943 Davis "Principles and Practice of Rehabilitation"
1944 Slavson "Recreation and the Total Personality"
1945 Dunton "Prescribing Occupational Therapy"
1946 Romney "Off the Job Living"
1947 Dunton "Prescribing Occupational Therapy"
1947 Rusk and Taylor "A Directory of Agencies and
Organizations Concerned with
Rehabilitation and Services to the Handicapped"
1947 Stafford "Sports for the Handicapped"
1949 Mahoney "Personnel Standards in Recreation
1949 U.S. Dept. of Labor "Dictionary of Occupational
Titles; volume 1 Def. of Titles, 2nd Ed. "
1950 Dunton and Licht "Occupational Therapy Principles
and Practice" ch: 12 Recreational Therapy written by John
Eisele Davis, Sc.D.
1951 Gillian "Music Therapy"
1951 Schlotter & Svendsen "An Experiment In
Recreation with the Mentally Retarded"
1951 VA "Recreation Service" VA Manual M6-4
1952 Davis "Clinical Applications of Recreational
1952 Cureton "Masters Theses in HPER" covers
3,500 titles from 1930-1946
1952 NRA "34th NRA Congress" pp. 116-121 "Hospital
1953 Hill "Starting a Recreational Program in a
Civilian Hospital"
1953 NRA "35th NRA Congress" pp. 137-140 "Recreation
in the Total Hospital
1954 Pratt "Hospital Recreation"
1954 Acuff & Denman "An Annotated Bibliography
of References Concerning Hospital
Recreation" 204 articles, 24 books, 24 pamph & theses
1955 Hunt "Recreation for the Handicapped"
1957 Stern "Mental Illness: A Guide for the Family"
"Activities in a Mental Hospital"
1958 Avedon and Arje "Use of Recreative Activity
in Treatment of the Rheumatoid Disorders:
An Annotated Bibliography and Selected References"
1958 Chapman "The Determination of the Course Areas
of a Graduate Curriculum in Hospital Recreation"
1958 Phillips "Recreation for the Mentally Ill-Conference
1960 Chapman "Recreation Activities for the Handicapped"
1961 Carlowa and Ruggles "The Healing Heart"
1962 Frye "Recreation in Treatment Centers"
Vol. I, p. 41
1962 ARS-HS "Basic Concepts in Hospital Recreation"
1962 MacLean "Therapeutic Recreation in the Community"
1970 van der Smissen & Joyce "Bibliography of
Theses and Dissertations in Recreation, Parks, Camping and Outdoor
1971 Berryman, Logan & Braginsky "Recreation
for Disabled Children: Guidelines for Parents and Friends"
1971 Haun "Recreation: A Medical Viewpoint"
1973 Loomis and Wade "Chicago: Occupational Therapy
Beginnings: Hull House"
1973 Briggs "Occupation as a Substitute for Restraint
in the Treatment of the Mentally
Ill; a History of the Passage of Two Bills Through the Massachusetts
Legislature" reprint of 1923
1974 Robinson, Jr. "Therapeutic Re-Creation"
1975 Shivers & Fait "Therapeutic and Adapted
Recreation Services"
1977 Pinel "Traite Medico-philosophique sur L'alienation
Mentale" reiss. of 1801
1977 U.S. Dept. of Labor "Dictionary of Occupational
Titles, 4th Ed." pp. 58-60
1977 Goldstein & Verhoven "Assessing Therapeutic
Recreation Manpower: Guidelines for Using the Survey Questionnaire"
1979 van der Smissen "Bibliography of Theses and
Dissertations in Recreation and Parks 1979"
1979 Harasymiw and Miller "Therapeutic Recreation
1980 Weiss, et. al. "Recreation Therapy for Spinal
Cord Injured Patients: Measuring its Effect"
1984 Peterson & Gunn "Therapeutic Recreation
Program Design Principles and
1986 O'Morrow "National Therapeutic Recreation Society:
the first twenty years, '66-'86
1990 Hitzhusen & Gigstad "Global Therapeutic
Recreation I: selected papers from the 1st International Symposium
on Therapeutic Recreation held in Nottingham, England in 1989"
1990 Hopke "Encyclopedia of Careers & Vocational
1991 O'Morrow "National Therapeutic Recreation Society,
a branch of the National Recreation and Park Association: 25th
anniversary, a historical perspective, 1966-1991"
1991 U.S. Dept. of Labor "Dictionary of Occupational
Titles, 4th Ed. Revised" pp. 61-64
1992 Hitzhusen, Jackson & Birdsong "Global Therapeutic
Recreation II: selected papers from the 2nd International Symposium
on Therapeutic Recreation held at San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1992"
1994 Hitzhusen & Thomas "Global Therapeutic
Recreation III: selected papers from the 3rd International Symposium
on Therapeutic Recreation held in
Richmond Hills, Ontario, Canada in 1994"
1994 U.S. Dept. of Labor "Occupational Outlook Handbook
94-95 Ed." Bulletin 2450 pp. 174-175
1997 California Recreation Therapy Title Protection goes into effect
2002 Washington state title protection act goes into effect
2005 North Carolina Recreational Therapy Licensure Act passes
2007 Recreation Therapy licensure act passes in New Hampshire
2008 The New Hampshire Board of Recreational Therapy licensed the first recreational therapists on January 1, 2008
2010 Oklahoma Therapeutic Recreation Practice Act passes.
2012 Utah passes Recreational Therapy Practice Act
2015 ATRA Partners with Canadian TR Association
AOTA Archives, Moody Medical Library, The University of Texas
Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX:
Series 1, Box 01, Folder 06, Reconstruction Aides,
"Army Hospitals which Employ Aides" (no date)
"Art War Relief" 1917-1918 First Report
"Memorandum B-524" (no date) (Billings, F.)
"Mrs. H. Mansfield (1956), Notes on formation of war service
classes for training
reconstruction aides for military hospitals."
"Circular A-329: Circular of Information Concerning the
Employment of Reconstruction
Aides (2)" Medical Department, US Army, 1918
"Bulletin B-989: Instructions for Reconstruction Aides-Overseas
War Department (no date)
Box 1, File 11
"Eleanor Clarke Slagle Curriculum Vitae" (no date)
Box 3, File 23
"E.C. Slagle's letter to W.R. Dunton, Nov. 23, 1918"
Illinois Occupational Therapy Association Archives, The University
of Illinois at Chicago, Library of Health Sciences, Special
Collections Department, Chicago, IL:
Series 1.2, Box 1
"E.C. Slagle letter May 14, 1917"
Chicago: Newberry Library, Graham Taylor Papers
"Special Course in Curative Occupations and Recreation"
Chicago School of Civics and
Philanthropy Special Bulletin, Dec. 1917
from the Therapeutic Section
JHPER: National
Recreational Therapy Section News (Bernath E. Phillips from
(1955)26:1:52;2:52;3:66;4:52;5:52;6:60;7:66;8:30;9:46 (26:5:52-INDEX
of '52-'55)
(1958)29:1:68;2:60;3:62;4:62;5:67;6:67;7:51;9:47 (29:5:67-INDEX
of '52-'58)
(1959)30:1:62;3:71;4:71;5:55;6:61 (Benedict F. Fiore)
National Recreation
Association magazine "Recreation"
Things You Should
Hospital Capsules
(Beatrice Hill '55-'62)
Recreation for
the Ill and the Handicapped
Rx for the Ill
and the Handicapped
(1962)55:47;105;165;217;271;319;366;424;471 (Dr. Morton Thompson,
National Recreation Association Consulting Service on Recreation
for the Ill and the Handicapped
Pamphlets (c1962):
Recreation and Psychiatry
Starting a Recreation Program in Institutions for the Ill and
the Handicapped
Suggestions for Recreation Activities for the Aged
Developing Volunteers for Service in Recreation Programs
Reprint of five articles that appeared in Hospital Management
Homebound Holiday
How to Organize a Play Department in a Hospital
Art Therapy as a Creative Activity
Senior Citizens in the Swim
Trends in Recreation for Geriatric Patients
Recreation Leadership with the Ill and Handicapped
Program Ideas for the Aged in Neuro-Psychiatric Hospitals
Duties of Hospital Recreation Personnel
Improvised Games for the Ill, Handicapped and Aged
Coordinated Recreation Program for Aged Patients
Special Service, Recreation Division: Washington, D.C., Department
of Medicine and Surgery, Veterans' Administration:
Program Guide, G-10:M2, Part Xiii, Jun. 1957
Recreation Program, Circular 1-62-27, Mar. 1962