"Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees."
J. Willard Marriott
submitted by Beverly Davison
"Therapeutic Recreation is "Serious" fun."
Cindy S. Austin, C.T.R.S. The Bradley Center (South) Canonsburg, PA
“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”
Gustav Mahler
(submitted by Beverly Davison)
"Not all leisure experiences in community settings need to be successful, but the privilege to achieve or fail is a part of a learning process that for too long has been denied individuals with disabilities."
Stuart Schleien & M. Tipton Ray
(Submitted by Randy Ellen Blaustein, MA, CTRS)
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
Helen Keller
(submitted by Beverly Davison)
"The mind is like a piñata, when you break it open it's full of surprises!"
Bryan Scott, Recreation Therapist at St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital, Ontario
"Leisure is an essential part of life so remember to TReat yourself right!"
Ana Osborne, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
"Recreation offers the discovery of self satisfying pleasures ....a time for social expression and much needed family cohesion."
Nancy M. Morrow - CTRS, Houston, TX
"Therapeutic Recreation - Loisir Thérapeutique: For leisure, for health and well being, for a joie de vivre! Pour le loisir... pour la santé et le bien-être... pour la joie de vivre!"
Therapeutic Recreation Association of Quebec - L'association de loisir thérapeutique du Québec.
"Positive thinking is your sunshine on a cloudy day."
ROZ Highfield
"Recreation involves the 'whole being.'"
Vanessa Alvino BS CTRS
"Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it."
author unknown
(submitted by Corey Angst)
"He who knows all of the answers, ends up solving all of the problems by himself."
Brett Vess, CTRS
"Recreation's purpose is not to kill time, but to make life, not to keep a person occupied, but to keep them refreshed; no to offer an escape from life, but to provide a discovery of life."
-Author Unknown
(Submitted by Randy Ellen Blaustein, MA, CTRS)
"Of all the things you wear, your smile is most important."
-author unknown
(submitted by Corey Angst)
"'Quality of Life,' without wholesome recreation....how is this possible?"
Nancy M. Morrow - CTRS, Houston, TX
"I am not Julie McCoy, cruise director!"
Jim Dowd
(submitted by Richard Fritz, M.Ed. CTRS)
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