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Therapists planning for April....
When stressed, take
a childlike perspective on otherwise serious adult reality....
ask yourself "How would a six year old see this situation?"
"What questions would a seven year old have about this situation?"
- Special
Events Days
- Facts
- Birthdays
- Activities
Events in April
- National Occupational Therapy
- 1st week- Healthcare Access
Personnel Week
- 1st week- National Laugh Week
- 2nd week- National Dance Week
- 3rd or 4th Wednesday- Professional
Secretaries Day
- 3rd week (usually)- National
Volunteer Week
- Arbor Day is celebrated on different
- Easter Sunday is celebrated
between March 22 & April 25
- 1- April Fools' Day
- 1- Home Improvement Time
- 8- Buddha's Birthday
April Facts
- Birthstone- diamond
- Flower- daisy
- 6- US declared war on Germany
in W.W.I (1917)
- 8- Henry Aaron broke Babe Ruth's
home run record (1974)
- 12- Franklin D. Roosevelt died
- 12- Civil War began at Fort
Sumter (1861)
- 14- John Wilkes Booth assassinated
President Lincoln (1865)
- 15- Titanic sinks
- 18- Paul Revere made his famous
ride (1775)
- 23- first public showing of
a movie in the U.S. (1896)
- 30- Vietnam War ends (1975),
TV 1st broadcasted (1939)
April Birthdays
- 2- Hans Christian Anderson (1805)
- 5- Booker T. Washington (1805)
- 13- Thomas Jefferson (1743)
- 15- Leonardo da Vinci (1452)
- 16- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (1947)
- 24- Barbra Streisand (1942)
- 29- Duke Ellinton (1899)
April Activity
Egg Collage
submitted by Tammura Jones of Easter
Seals Turner Family Center on Friday, April 14, 2000 |
Size: 2 - ?
Equipment: Scissors,
magazines, glue, and colored construction paper(preferably
Objective: To understand
an awareness of shapes and sizes. Interact and participate
in a group setting. Work on grip strength
Description: Have
participants sit at a table and look through magazines
cutting out circles any size. Glue circles onto paper
making a collage. Once objects are glued on have the participants
cut the paper into the shape of an egg. |
Submitted by SUSAN YARRINGTON of Sandalwood
Manor on 3-18-99 |
large or small
pastel tissue paper, dried flowers, ribbon, tape
laughter, social interaction, seasonal acknowledgement,
decision making
place desired color tissue paper over participants head.
If resident can hold it, include them, if not, assistance
from other staff may be needed. Cut circle leaving several
inches for brim of hat. Use tape around resident's head
to make hat form fitting. Tape/glue a piece of ribbon
to cover tape. Add flowers to resident taste.
When i have
done this on Easter sunday, the majority of the facility
staff have come to the group to have a hat made for themselves.
Pretty soon everyone is wearing one and it makes for a
very festive easter! |
Easter Bonnet
submitted by Deann
Ruckman of Hawthorne Care Center |
Size of Group: 20+
Equipment: paper plates,
various hats/bonnets, ribbon, flowers, Easter craft items,
Objective: promotes
art expression and increases self esteem.
Description: The week
before Easter, I schedule a group called Easter Bonnet
Creations. We use donated hats, bonnets, and even paper
plates to create an individualized Easter Bonnet for each
resident. On the Friday before Easter, we hold an Easter
Bonnet Parade around the facility and award a prize to
the resident with the most creative bonnet. Some residents
keep their bonnets to redecorate the next year. Right
after the parade, we have a big Easter Eggstravaganza
with games, prizes and snacks. |
Sharon L. Dodson, TRT of Medallion
Manor, Provo,Ut. |
Equipment: 16 ounce
empty springwater bottle,tacky glue,cotton balls white,pink,black,and
blue felt pieces,or wiggly eyes,colored grass,all colors
and sizes pompoms,1/4 inch size ribbons.
Target Population:
Developmentally disabled adults.
Objective: Outcome
is to increase the clients' cognitive ability to recognize
craft materials by skiing them to gather the supplies
they need to make their rabbit.Also to increase their
dexterity,fine motor co-ordination,and increase their
ability to follow directions.
Description: I have
the clients gather the supplies they need to make their
rabbit. I have supplies laid out on a separate table from
their work table, and tell them they need to get so many
cotton balls,two wiggly eyes,3 pompoms for the nose and
mouth,one Large pompom for the tail,A plastic egg,colored
grass,and their choice of color ribbon.
This project takes anywhere
from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending in the client's functioning
level.Some have problems applying glue to the bottle with
toothpick, so I let them use and old acrylic paint brush
to apply the glue. This project has gone over with a big
success , they made at least two each, as they sent some
home to their families.
Even though clients that
were profoundly mentally retarded gave eye contact for
at least 5 minutes. It was bright enough to catch their
attention. |
Day of Baseball Party
submitted by
Tuck of University of Chicago Hospitals on April
27, 1999 |
Size of
Group: Med -Large
Baseball Decorations, Refreshments (ie. hotdogs, popcorn,
icecream, etc.), Velcro or Beanbag Baseball Game
To encourage and increase peer interaction. To encourage
group cohesiveness. To build self esteem through activity
Give a Opening Day of Baseball Party on the actual opening
day of MLB (Usually the 1st week of April). If television
is available, have a baseball game playing throughout
the party. Encourage pts./clients to make their own felt
baseball pennants as a party activity(or the day before).
Divide group in half and have the two teams play a baseball
game (velcro or beanbag game is recommended). Use your
imagination and have fun!!! |
Kentucky Derby: Wheel
for the Roses
Katrina A. Porter of Beverly
Health & Rehabilitation on March 11, 2000 |
Size: 10-25 plus staff
Equipment: Derby Hats
for residents to wear, 5-6 wheelchairs, primary color
construction paper for "silks", Mint Julep,
silk roses.
Objective: Resdts.
will relive and reminisce about past Derbys, winning horses,
etc; resdts. will socialize and laugh with one another
watching staff attempt to wheel chairs to finish line.
Description: Use bonnets
from Easter Parade (April) and ask volunteers, family,
etc. to bring in "Derby" hats for residents
to wear. Ask residents to dress like they're going to
the Kentucky Derby that day.Make brightly colored "silks"
from construction paper largely numbered 1-6, or one for
each jockey. This can be done as an Arts & Crafts
activity before the Derby. Take a large group of residents
to outside parking lot (blocked off) for race. Ask each
to cheer for the horse and jockey they want to win...Secretariat
Sue, Man O'War Mike, Citation Chris, Cigar Christy, etc.
Have 5-6 staff seated in wheel chairs at starting gate.
Staff will not be allowed to use their feet. All propelling
must be done with hands. Resdts. will love watching staff
try to wheel themselves in wheelchairs to finish line.
Serve pre-mixed Mint Juleps in plastic derby cups after
race, alcoholic or non-alcoholic depending on your facility.
Crown winner with silk red roses. |
Send your ideas to be posted here.
Activities & Tx pages sponsored by compuTR and maintained by Charles Dixon
If reprinting ideas from these pages, please give credit.