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Recreation Therapists planning for August...
"If you've
got something funny to do, you don't have to be funny doing
it." Charlie Chaplin |
- Special
Events Days
- Facts
- Birthdays
- Poem
- Activities
Events in August
- Sandwich Month
- Foot Health Month
- National Catfish Month
- Romance Awareness Month
- National Water Quality Month
- 1st Sunday in August is Sister's Day
- 1st week- International Human
Exchange Week
- 1st week- International Clown
- 2nd week- National Smile Week
- 2nd week- Don't Wait-Celebrate!
Week! (to recognize small accomplishments)
- 2nd Sunday- Family Day, Daughter's
- 1- National Hobo Day
- 5- National Mustard Day
- 6- Friendship Day
- 9- Family Reunion Day
- 15- Relaxation Day
- 19- National Aviation Day
- 26- Women's Equality Day
August Facts
- Birthstone- Peridot and sardonyx
- Flower- poppy
- 1- Colorado Day (1876, 38th
- 3- Christopher Columbus set
sail on his 1st voyage across the Atlantic (1492)
- 6- first women (Gertrude Ederle)
to cross the English Channel (1926)
- 6- atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
- 10- Missouri Day (1821, 24th
- 12- Thomas Edison invented the
phonograph (1877)
- 15- Panama Canal opened (1914)
- 21- Hawaii Day (1959, 50th state)
- 24- British troops captured
Washington, DC and burned the White House (1814)
- 26 - Woman's Suffrage (right to vote in USA) (1920)
- 28- 200,000+ civil rights demonstrators
march on Washington, DC (1963)
August Birthdays
- 1- Francis Scott Key (1779)
- 3- Ernie Pyle (1900)
- 10- Herbert Hoover (1874)
- 15- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769)
- 17- Davy Crockett (1786)
- 18- Roberto Clemente (1934)
- 19- Orville Wright (1871)
- 21- Count Basie (1904), Wilt
Chamberlain (1936)
- 26- Mother Teresa (1910)
- 27- Lyndon B. Johnson (1908)
August Poem
All the long August afternoon,
The little drowsy stream
Whispers a melancholy tune
As if it dreamed of June,
And whispered in its dream.
William Dean Howells
August Activity
submitted by Laurie Solomon
of UCP Bayville
Inc. on June
18, 2003
Equipment: Poster board, Markers, Rulers, 6 Horses from a dollar
store, index cards, 2 dice
Objective: Having
fun with others, Feeling of self esteem, decision making,
good sportsmanship
Description: tape
the poster boards together to form one long one. Take
the markers and draw even lines down the poster board
making six sections. each sections are the lanes for the
horses to race in. On each index card write the number
horse and a creative name for each. on one side of the
poster board write START and the other FINISH. each participant
will pick which horse they would like to bet on. sometimes
i use play money and at the end they would earn a prize
depending on how much
they have received. have each person take turns to roll
the dice. If one die rolls a 6 then horse number six would
move one spot, and so on. Have fun with this!!!! |
submitted by Caroline Cickovic on March 22, 2001
Equipment: Some
music, some talented clients, an audience, and a video
camera &/or photographic camera to document event!
Description: Our adult
day health center is filled with participant who are so
very talented. Many of them are gifted artists of all
kinds, from poets, musicians, dancers and singers. Due
to physical disabilities, and the normal effects of aging,
such as Alzheimer's, and other physical ailments, they
have lost that drive, and desire to practice their skills.
Our staff wanted to provide residents the opportunity
for them to rekindle the flame and to show off their talents.
They worked for weeks to perfect their acts.
The event took place as an
all day event, with morning and afternoon performances.
The morning performances consisted of individual acts,
such as poetry readings, song, and storytelling accompanied
by originally composed harmonica music. The afternoon
consisted of a series of dance group performances, from
the Macarena to the Chicken Dance.
Everyone was wonderful, the
performers received recognition from their fellow peers
and staff.
The audience, made of the
other fellow participants, laughed and celebrated their
friends. The event was by far one of the most successful
we have had. The participants even inquired when next
talent show would take place. So, it will be an annual
There were no awards for
the best performers, but each performer received a certificate
of appreciation. It was showcase, not a competition. The
show served as an
inspiration for others! |
submitted by
Linda Bell of Shoreham Village Chester N.S. |
as large as you want
large teddy bear costume to wear, teddy bears for your
residents and children,cardboard bear prints on the wall,picnic
table cloths and finger foods,teddy bears picnic song
and words,contest among teddy bears(oldest,newest,biggest
color,etc. ),puppet show,stickers with welcome to the
teddy bears picnic for all participants,certificates for
the teddy bear winners and prizes
involve residents and staffs children or residents great
grandchildren. To have a fun afternoon for staff,residents
and children
Memos are put out a month before inviting children to
visit during the afternoon with their teddy bears. Make
arrangements with the dietary department for snacks. We
get the Zeddy bear costume on loan from Zellars and our
staff wear it. We have a puppet show sponsored by our
local children's church group. We put bear footsteps on
the walls up the halls the day before leading to the main
lounge were we have the party. We put balloons,streamers,umbrellas
and blankets on the floor to make it look like a picnic.We
buy six prizes for the teddybear contests.You also need
two judges. The zeddybear passes out bags of chips and
greets the residents and children. We play the song teddy's
picnic a few times during the am over the pa to draw excitement
and then we sing the song at the party.We have Volunteers
knit the bears from a pattern we received from the Alzheimer's
Society.We usually have enough so that the Alzheimer's
and heavy care residents get to choose a bear and take
it home with them.We get our local paper to come in to
take pictures.It's a fun day for all!! |
Wild West Day
by Melissa Cline, CTRS of Morton Plant Mease Rehabilitation
Center on August 31, 1999 |
Size of Group: Any
Equipment: Western
decorations, gold spray paint, aquarium rocks, strainer,
tupperware containter, sand, uncooked rice, safety pin,
frozen pancakes, plastic sheriff badges and/or plasic
cowboy hats, small plastic horses, 1-2 bandannas, variety
of candy bags, inexpensive 1,2,3 prizes, country/western
music, ask staff and residents/patients to dress "western"
for the day.
Objective: To provide
an opportunity for socialization and enjoyment among the
residents and patients.
Description: Begin
in the morning, with "Wild West Games"...
Needle in the Haystack - have a large bowl of uncooked rice ready, with one closed
safety pin in it. Blind fold each participant and watch
as the pin is picked up and dropped numerous times, it
is very difficult to distinguish it from the rice.
Cow Patty Toss- Let
each person line up at the door and see who can throw
the farthest "Cow Patty" (frozen pancakes) and
hand out prizes to the top 3 winners.
Panning For Gold-
Spray paint aquarium rocks gold and place in the tupperware
container, cover with sand, and fill with water. Provide
a handheld strainer, so they don't have to dig with their
hands. Have small plastic bags ready so they can take
their "gold" home.
Also, hide a couple of small
plastic horses around the room & tell the participants
if they see them they'll get a special prize, the plastic
sheriff badges. Have Country Western music playing, and
if any staff knows any line dancing, have them come in
& dance for everyone.
Have the kitchen provide
you with a special "Chuckwagon Meal" -- Hamburgers/Hotdogs,
or Barbecue, potato salad, chips, lemonade, etc..
After lunch play some old
Classic Westerns for the residents, and if possible, set
out snacks such as pigs in a blanket or chips and salsa.
After this party, you'll hear the residents/patients talking
about it for days!
Send your ideas to be posted here.
Activities & Tx pages sponsored by compuTR and maintained by Charles Dixon
If reprinting ideas from these pages, please give credit.