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Therapists planning for October....
Special event
activities reinforces reality orientation. Special event
activities give people topics to talk about in their conversations.
Special event activities give individuals something to look
forward to. Special event activities.... |
- Special
Events Days
- Facts
- Birthdays
- Activities
- Links to Halloween
web sites
- Poem
October Special
Event Days
- 1st Monday- Child Health Day
- 2nd Monday- Columbus Day
- 2nd Monday- Canadian Thanksgiving
- 1st week- National Pickled Pepper
- 1st week- National Health Care
Food Service Week
- 1st week- National Nursing Home
Resident Rights Week
- Last week- National Pastoral
Care Week
- 4th Sunday- United Nations Day
- National Popcorn Poppin' Month
- National Apple Month
- OktoberFest
- Pizza Festival Time Month
- Fish and Seafood Month
- National Physical Therapy Month
- Family Health Month
- 15- World Poetry Day
- 16- National Boss Day
- 18- Alaska Day
- 31- Nevada Day
- 31- Halloween
- 31- Reformation Day (observed
by Protestants)
October Facts
- Birthstone- opal or tourmaline
- Flower- Calendula
- 1- first Model T Ford placed
on the market (1908)
- 8- the Great Chicago fire on
1871 burned for 30 hours
- 17- John Brown's raid in 1859
seized the US arsenal
- 19- British surrenders at Yorktown
in 1781
- 19- Thomas Edison demonstrated
the light bulb (1879)
- 28- Statue of Liberty dedicated
in 1886
- 29- Blackest day in stock market
history (1929)
October Birthdays
- 1- Julie Andrews (1935)
- 8- Chevy Chase (1943)
- 8- Sigourney Weaver ((1949)
- 11- John Candy (1950)
- 14- Harry Anderson (1952)
- 18- Chuck Barry (1926)
- 23- Johnny Carson (1925)
- 25- Helen Reddy (1941)
Activities for
Here are some items the participants
might draw or act. |
1) Halloween game of
"Win, Lose or Draw" or charades
Friday the 13th |
Goblin |
Frankenstein |
Jack O'Lantern |
Candied Apples |
Black |
Candy |
Angel |
Scary movies |
Witches |
Bobbing for apples |
Skeleton |
Werewolf |
Black cat |
Parade |
Popcorn |
Princess |
Decorations |
The Munsters |
Batman |
Full Moon |
Trick or Treat |
Broom |
Costumes |
Boo |
Bigfoot |
"Trick or Treat? |
Godzilla |
2) HALLOWEEN PARADE- invite your local school to send their kids to parade
in the halls or dining room of your rehab or long-term
care facility. Have refreshments afterwards.
3) GHOST STORIES- during
small groups on Halloween day, invite participants to
share stories they heard when they were kids |
AGE APPROPRIATENESS?- many staff wonder if Halloween activities are age appropriate
for older residents or patients. Did you know that Halloween
is one of the biggest adult "holiday?" Some of
the biggest adult parties of the year occur on Halloween.
Adults spend more money on their Halloween than kids!! Its
an opportunity for adults to "hide" behind a costume
and a mask and "let down their hair." |
- Invite a German band to
- Have a food sampling event...
sausage, sauerkraut, strudel.
- Setup a display of German
costumes, beer mugs, etc.
- Coordinate with the dietary
department and "create" a beer hall program
complete with an umpa band, beer (for facilities that
can have them), German foods, dancers, and decorations.
For clients who don't like
the idea of Halloween....
invite participants of your
local county fair to display their products (jelly, fruits,
canned goods, art work, etc.) at your facility. Have an
area outside for lamb, calves, rabbits and other animals
your local 4-Hers may have raised. Invited the 4-Hers
to a lamb dressing contest with the residents or patients
as judges. Invite farmers or local farm equipment dealer
to bring in farm equipment to display. |
6) Invite your clients to submit a top
ten list on a given topic
submitted by Josh Barol
Top Ten Ways of Knowing If You
Are A Vampire:
- You start wearing spf 1000 suntan
- You drool when you watch Chicago
- You have to put a photograph
of yourself on the mirror
- Your bed has a lid on it.
- Nobody wants to neck with you.
- Your dog tries to bury you when
you take a nap.
- You start seeing history books
with your picture in them.
- Your orthodontist runs out of
the room screaming.
- You ask for 2 straws to drink
your bloody marys.
- You catch fire every time the
PTL club comes on the TV!
7) Eat a Spider
submitted by Leslie Engel, CTRS of
Shriner's Hospital |
Size of Group:
Equipment: peanut
butter, Ritz crackers, M&M's, stick pretzels, knife,
paper towels, food color (optional)
To provide an opportunity for social interaction
To provide an opportunity for success
To increase fine/gross motor skill manipulation as they
R/T leisure
To increase the ability to listen and follow oral directions
Description: This
activity is great for Halloween!! Add food coloring to
the peanut butter (optional). Examples: Red=blood; green=guts.
Spread peanut butter onto Ritz crackers. Add "legs"
or pretzel sticks so that they stick out on the sides.
Top with another Ritz cracker.
Next add the "eyes"
or M&M's. (To help hold the "eyes" in place,
add a small amount of peanut butter).
That's it!! All done,
no baking involved. The patients love this simple, inexpensive
treat!! |
8. Halloween Pumpkin Hunt
submitted by Lynn Mueller
of Palm Garden Vero Beach
For Halloween, go to any
dollar store and buy small plastic pumpkins (you can find
hollow ones to "stuff") or solid small plastic
pumpkins. Hide at least one in each room occupied by a
resident (semi private--hide two). You can even write
a specific prize right on the pumpkin, so whoever finds
it will know they have won something special. Hide the
rest throughout the facility.
Last year we held a Halloween
Costume Contest in our largest dining room in the afternoon.
(it was for residents and staff) For this year's Pumkin
Hunt, we will highlight the residents who find the most
pumpkins and give out prizes to the "special prize
You can do fund raisers to
get gift certificates to local ice cream shops or local
restaurants so the residents can spend time on an outting
with their family or as scheduled by your activities department.
Have fun & Happy Hunting
7. Want more? Here are links
to some great Halloween web sites:
8. Jack-O-Balloon
Submitted by Charnice Gustafson of Harvard
Square Senior Retirement on October 27, 2003
Size: Any
Equipment: Orange 12"" Helium Balloons, Green
Curling Ribbon, Coffee Cup Lids, Black Permanent Marker, & Water.
Objective: A safe way to allow residents to have Jack-O-Lantern
and a cheap way to decorate.
Description: You start by taking a 12"" balloon,
add about a half cup of water, then proceed to blow the balloon
up. Once you have the size you want tie the balloon in a
knot and tie four pieces of ribbon to the knot. Each ribbon
should be about 16 inches long. Turn the balloon up right
so that the ribbon is at the top. Curl the ribbon. Your residents
can now use the black permanent marker to draw Jack-O-Lantern
faces on the balloon. When the Jack-O-Balloon is finish you
will set it upon the coffee cup lid for balance.
Thanksgiving started long ago
when Pilgrims stopped to pray,
a thankful prayer with their new friends
on this special day.
Roast turkey and a fine fat goose
corn, tatoes, and some pie,
were just a few things that they shared
as their new friends wondered why?
"A new land where great freedom
they shouted with great joy,
the freedom to be what you want
whether you're a girl or boy.
The prayer that day might have
thank you Lord Most High,
for all the blessings you bestowed
on us that did not die.
Thank you for our safety
as we traveled from afar,
thank you for the food and friends
and for the great north star.
Thank you for the future
our families now can share
with others in this PROMISED LAND
we'll give it love and care.
Remind our children everyday
the sacrifice we made,
to give them hope for future times
don't let the custom fade.
Now Thanksgiving Day is here again
so take you loved ones hand,
and don't forget to thank the Lord
submitted by Kim Dankiw of Infinia
on November 19, 2000
Send your
ideas to be posted here.
Activities & Tx pages sponsored by compuTR and maintained by Charles Dixon
If reprinting ideas from these pages, please give credit.