New at the Therapeutic Recreation Directory
Listed here are the latest updates
to the TR Directory, a chronological history of significant
updates to the TR Directory, a message from Charles Dixon (TR
Directory Web Master), and awards given to the TR Directory. |
New at the Therapeutic
Recreation Directory
9-9-16 New activity ideas posted: Stone Balance by Karthikeyan V, Canine-assisted therapy and activities by Lauren Kruger, Maze Walk by Brittany George, Annoying Sing-Along by Megan Ottney, New Years Resolutions by Rita Penniman, Soap making by sharon sampson.
11-30-14 New activity idea posted: Get to know each other scavenger Hunt by Stephie D. Mullis
11-2-14 New activity ideas posted: Web Design (coping) by Stephanie, Leisure Apples to Apples by Paul Fink, Celebrity Shadows by Frieda Jones
1-4-14 New activity ideas posted - Stress Balls by Shakira Blassingame, Tossers by Grady Tezeno, Circle Volleyball by Amy Jaroszewski
12-1-13 New activity ideas posted - Christmas Ornament made with Puzzle Piece by Cindy Laverty, Name that Tea by Vickie Kornelsen, Comfort Zone by Monique Lujan, Rolling pin art by Patricia K. Wesley, Smoothie Time by Jessica Casaday
11-3-13 New activity idea posted - Table Ball by Cindy Laverty
10-2-13 Charlie Dixon was awarded the Distinguished Fellow Award by ATRA
8-4-13 New activity ideas posted - Stuffed Animals by Felecia Kershner, Butterfly Collage by Laurie Solomon, Friendship Soup by Lorice G. Smit, Wacky table bowling by T.J. Shovein.
5-23-13 New activity ideas posted - Audio Book Club by Michelle P., Question Ball by Megan Irving, Mental Health Jeopardy by Melissa Conarroe, Map Plotting by Caroline Smith, LifeBio by Beth Sanders, Ziplock Painting by Emily MacPherson, Wheelchair art- mural painting by Dwayne Szot,
11-13-12 New activity ideas posted - Bricks and Ladders by Katelyn Franks, Adaptive Badminton by Eileen Humpal,
1-22-12 New activity ideas posted - Two Truths One Lie by Tracie, bad joke of the day by Erin Grover, Baked Potato Bar by Maya Noel, Decorating for the Seasons by Kathy Hart, Nature Lovers by Daphne, Leapin' Frogs by Joanne McAulay, Squabble by Joanne McAulay, Big Buck Hunt by Dianna Alderman, Recipe Scrapbooking by Lisa Porco, Create Greeting Cards by L J Lewis.
8-12-11 New activities submitted- Sing Their Song by Dee Mayfield, Christmas Decorations out of Clay by Michelle Golding, Balloon Toss by Daphne, Traffic Lights by Robyn, 3 bad jokes submitted by Bernadette M., Sand Art Workshop by Maysa Mazhar, This day is by Mary Thoma,
6-27-11 New article by Tracey Weiss Therapeutic recreation specialist wants to show you how
to exercise your brain and have fun, too
6-25-11 After 13 years in operation the TR Said, RT Said forurm for recreation therapists and activity directors have been closed in favor of Therapeutic Recreation Directory on Facebook. This social network on Facebook already has nearly 600 members and is quite active with many discussions and sharing of information.
4-23-11 Sorting by David Brian Gerjets, Mood Inspiring Pictures by Becky
TR Directory History
- (9-2-13) Charlie Dixon was awarded the Distinguished Fellow award by ATRA for significant contribution to the field of recreation therapy.
- (3-08-11) The jobs program has been reverted back to the old program as it was easier to use for both employers and job-seekers.
- (3-24-09) According the Therapeutic Recreation Directory receives over 22,000 visitors each month... mostly educated females.
- (1-1-09) New jobs program installed
- (11-19-08) Therapeutic Recreation Directory was moved to a new server at
- (3-18-08) TR eCards was completely redone and tons of new features added
- (3-3-08) A Recreational Therapy Blog featuring guest bloggers have been added at
- (3-1-08) Recreation Therapy articles database added at
- (2-20-08) Web site under goes a complete make over with a FLASHy new design!
- (10-07) Charlie Dixon selected as ATRA's Outstanding Professional of the Year
- 2006 - The Therapeutic Recreation Directory supports the
Recreation Therapy Medicare Project with a $1000 contribution.
- (10-4-04)
The Therapeutic Directory was presented with ATRA's"
Organization or Institution Award for efforts in supporting
and promoting therapeutic
- (11-08-02) Banner ads from the
Rehabmall have been removed and replaced with banner ads just
for the TR Directory
- (11-1-02) The jobs page was moved
back to the TR Directory from the Rehabmall and
Free ads have been replaced with paid ads to help cover the
cost of the TR Directory.
- (3-1-02) A new links
directory was added.
- (1-18-00) The TR Directory receives
a slight makeover throughout its entire site. Banner ads have
been added to help finance the TR Directory. Please visit the
sponsors of the TR Directory to help keep this a free web site
for all TRs.
- (11-8-99) The TR Said, RT Said
Bulletin Board was completely redone with many new features
- (11-1-99) The TR Directory was
awarded with StudyWeb Excellence Award!
- (2-21-99) A digital
greeting card program for recreation therapists was added (this was updated on 3-18-08)
- (2-15-99) A new data base of links
was added. This replaces the Agency Links, the Personal Web
Site Links, and the TR Related Links pages. The links directory
was once again updated in 2002.
- (2-14-99) A new Listserv
for Recreation Therapy was developed. It is sponsored by
compuTR and compuTRnet.
- (1-10-99) The conference and workshop
page has been automated. It is in a calendar format and
permit users to view workshops and post workshops.
- (12-22-98) In a move toward automating
the TR Directory as much as possible, the Internship Directory
and the TR Directory Mail List has been automated.
- (12-4-98) The entire TR Directory
was given a facelift... new frontpage design, new background
and use of Arial fonts.
- (11-1-98) An automated address
book was installed. Users of the Directory of TR Professionals
can now input their own address information and modify or delete
at their leisure. Searches by multiple criteria's can be conducted
on this data base.
- (10-31-98) The TR Directory has
been moved to a new server and given a new URL address of
The new sever will permit continued growth as the TR Directory
was quickly outgrowing the old server.
- (2-15-98) The main page was redesigned
with a frame that provides improved navigation throughout the
TR Directory
- (12-23-97) Two new bulletin boards
have been added... Technology, moderated by Debbie Pate and
Ethics (no moderator at present).
- (7-20-97) WWW Recreational Therapy
Home Page by Jeff Mansfield will be assimilated by the TR Directory.
Jeff will be assisting with the TR Directory to make it an even
better site for recreation therapists.
- (2-25-97) The users of the Therapeutic
Recreation Directory VOTED this site as a "Hot Site"....
Starting Point featured the TR Directory as a Reference site
on 2-24-97 and awarded us with a "Starting
Point Hot Site" badge.
- (1-28-97) The Therapeutic Recreation
Directory was awarded with the 3-star
badge by the Mental Health Net.
- (11-20-96) Nearly all pages of
the TR Directory has been dressed up with the Therapeutic Recreation
Directory banner. The banner can be used to navigate you to
the major parts of the TR Directory.
- (11-11-96) The TR
Said, RT Said bulletin board expands and adds 23 separate
boards for various topics.
- (11-7-96) Charlie Dixon receives
the Fellowship Award from WVTRA
for contributions to the field of therapeutic recreation by
enhancing "Internet communications" with the TR Directory.
- (10-22-96) Live chaTRoom opens.
- (9-8-96) e-menToR program started... matching TR professionals with TR students or young
professionals (this program was eventually discontinued as it
was too time consuming for me)
- (3-11-96) TR Directory listed
on many of the major search engines... finally.
- (3-5-96) TR Directory receives
its 1st Internet award--- chosen as the "Best
that's Newest on the Net" by NBNSoft.
- (2-19-96) TR Said, RT Said bulletin
board opens
- (1-28-96) TR Directory re-designed
with easier navigation tools.
- (1-14-96) Counter added
- (12-28-95) TR Directory goes on-line.
Archive of past
TR Directory's main page:
A note from
Therapeutic Recreation Directory's webmaster
(12-15-98) Hi, I'm Charles
Dixon. I work full-time at Chestnut Ridge Hospital
(a WVU Hospital psychiatric teaching facility in Morgantown,
West Virginia) and run compuTR,
a computer software and service company... as well as
design and develop the Therapeutic Recreation Directory
on the Internet. I'm a member of WVTRA and
ATRA and have been nationally certified since 1981.
Since its inception
in November of 1995, the Therarpeutic Recreation Directory as grown by leaps and
bounds. It now has over 32.0 meg of files that includes over
2550+ html files & 141 images. But more importantly,
the TR Directory is now visited by over 10000 users a month.
The TR Directory
is your place on the Web and much of the content will be
dictated by what you want. So be sure to give me a call at  with
ideas and information. I would appreciate, however, if you
do not ask, "Please send my all information you have
on therapeutic recreation." Please search through the
TR Directory and if you can't find what you're looking for, then
I would be happy to respond to specific questions. I
receive hundreds of e-mail each month and I do respond to
all the e-mail, even those that asks, "Please tell me
all you know about TR!"
I hope that you will
find the TR Directory helpful and enjoyable. 
Posting information on the TR
(2-12-98) Access to the TR
Directory is free. Posting of basic information is
also free. However, if your business, organization, conference,
agency, or even yourself would like a full page of your
own, I will create a complete Web page. Click
here for full information on pricing.
Recreation Directory Home Page
Home Page
Charles C. Dixon
461 Lawnview Circle
Morgantown, WV 26505
(304) 599-6465
The contents of
the TR Directory is composed of the many thoughts and minds
of those in the fields of recreation therapy and therapeutic
recreation. It does not necessary reflect those of Charles
Dixon, compuTR, nor of the many volunteers of the TR Directory.
Charles Dixon, compuTR, nor volunteers of the TR Directory
will not be held liable for comments posted on the bulletin
boards, guestbook, and the various forums at this site.
here for Awards Given to the TR Directory
at the Therapeutic Recreation Directory |